Sunday Homilies

There are several seasons during the Liturgical Year: AdventChristmas, Lent and Easter. For the other Sundays of the year we celebrate Ordinary Time.
As Christians – followers of Christ through our Baptism – we are called on to make Christ present in our own lives and in the lives of others. As we read the Sacred Scripture during the different seasons of the Liturgical Year may we pray in our hearts:
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love.


2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2021 – Year B

‘Speak, Lord, Your Servant is Listening’ 17 January 2021 1 Samuel 3:3-10,19 1 Cor 6:13-15,17-20 John 1:35-42 Today’s readings are all about responding to the call of the Lord....
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Baptism of the Lord 2021 – Year B

You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased 10 January 2021 Isaiah 55:1-11 Acts 10:34-38 Mark 1:6-11 A few days ago we celebrated the Feast of...


Introduction: Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, one of the most important celebrations of the Liturgical Year – a feast...

Christmas Day 2020 – a story to change your life

25 December 2020 Some years ago I read James Redfield’s novel, ‘The Celestine Prophesy’, a popular expression of New Age spirituality. While I found little...

4th Sunday of Advent 2020 – Year B

20 December 2020 2 Samuel 7.1-5,8-11,16 Romans 16.25-27 Luke 1.26-38 Waiting with Mary The role of Mary in the unfolding of God’s plan of salvation is one of the...

3rd Sunday of Advent 2020 – Year B

13 December 2020 Isaiah 61:1-2,10-11 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 John 1:6-8,19-28 Many have seen Franco Zeffirelli’s famous film, Jesus of Nazareth.  Though I saw it many years ago, a...

2nd Sunday of Advent 2020 – Year B

6 December 2020 Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 2 Peter 3:8-14 Mark 1:1-8 The note of joyful hope, rather than penance, dominates the season of Advent. Nevertheless, the Advent readings...

1st Sunday of Advent 2020 – Year B

29 November 2020 Isaiah 63:16-17; 64:1,3-8  1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:33-37 Today's gospel reading admonishes us three times to 'stay awake'. This means paying attention to the presence...

34th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020 – Year A – Christ the King

22 November 2020 Ezekiel: 34:11-12 1 Corinthians 15:20-26,28 Matthew 25:31-46 Today we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. When we think of kings we think of people a...

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020 – Year A

15 November 2020 Proverb: 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-6 Matthew 25:14-30 READY FOR THE JOURNEY… As the liturgical year draws to a close, November days remind us...

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020 – Year A

8 November 2020 Wisdom 6.12-16 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18 Matthew 25.1-13 A young woman asked her brother were waiting at an airport to meet her fiancé who was due...

Feast of All Saints 2020 – Year A

1 November 2020     1 John 3:1-3 Matthew 5:1-12 The early Church suffered many periods of great persecution. So many were killed for their faith in Christ...

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020 – Year A

25 October 2020 Exodus 22:20-27 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Matthew 22:34-40 Some people are very good for Church attendance and religious practices. But at home or at work they...

Mission Sunday 2020 – Continue the Mission of Jesus

Pope Francis, in his Message for the World Mission Sunday 2020, echoes the teaching of Vatican II  when he says that the essential calling...

Mission Sunday 2020 – 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

18 October 2020 Together we can do more – blessed are the peacemakers World Mission Sunday is the Holy Father’s annual direct appeal for spiritual and...

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020 – Year A

11 October 2020 Isaiah 5:1-7 Philippians 4:6-9 Matthew 2:33-43 A certain couple had 5 children, 4 of whom were generally pleasing to their parents but one...

27th Sunday of the Year 2020 – Year A

4 October 2020 - What more can I do? Isaiah 5:1-7 Philippians 4:6-9 Matthew 21:33-43 The Jewish people looked on themselves as the Vineyard of the Lord, God's...

26th Sunday of the Year 2020 – Year A

27 September 2020 Ezekiel 18:25-28 Philippians 2:1-11 Matthew 21:28-32 Today’s Gospel reminds us of how people can change their minds, or their way of life, for good or...

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020 – Year A

20 September 2020 Isaiah 55:6-9 Phillipians 1:20-24, 27 Matthew 20:1-16 Work is more than a paid job... Who are you?                   ...

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020 – Year A

13 September 2020 Ecclesiasticus 27:30 – 28.7 Romans 14:7 – 9 Matthew 18:21 – 35 Today's gospel follows on from the gospel of last Sunday, speaking about the...

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020 – Year A

6 September 2020 Ezekiel 33:7-9 Romans 13:8-10 Matthew 18:15-20 Correction in a Christian way… Many people today are involved in a process called Lectio Divina – trying to make...

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020 – Year A

30 August 2020 Jeremiah 20:7-9 Romans 12:1-2 Matthew 16.21-27 In the gospel today Jesus tries to make it clear to Peter and the disciples that he was destined...

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020 – Year A

23 August 2020 Isaiah 22:19 – 23 Romans 11:33 – 36 Matthew 16:13 – 20 “Who do you say I am ?” We know Peter’s inspirational response: ‘You are...

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

16 August 2020 Isaiah 56:1, 6-7               Romans 11:13-15, 29-32               Matthew 15:21-28 This Gospel story...

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020 – Year A

9 August 2020 1 Kings 19:9, 11-13            Romans 9:1-5            Matthew 14:22-33 It’s never easy at any...

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020 – Year A

2 August 2020 Isaiah 55:1-3             Romans 8:35, 37-39             Matthew  14:13-21 Today’s gospel recounts the miracle of...

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020 – Cycle A

26 July 2020 1 Kings 3:5, 7-12            Romans 8:28-30            Matthew 13:44-52 The hidden treasure One day God...

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

6 October 2019 Habakkuk 1:2-3, 2:2-4 2 Timothy 1:6-8,13-14 Luke 17:5-10 A certain man asked his 14 year old son to wash his car. It was his first...

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

29 September 2019 Amos 6:1, 4-7 1 Timothy 6:11-16 Luke 16.19-31 A certain man had just been promoted in his job and this meant a lot of extra...

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

22 September 2019 Amos 8:4-7 1 Timothy 2:1-8 Luke 16.1-13 I once worked as a Prison Chaplain. One day I met a new prisoner who had just been...

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

15 September 2019 Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14 1 Timothy1:12-17 Luke 15.1-32 When I used to go on vacation I visited an Irish family who had 5 children aged between...

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

8 September 2019 Wisdom 9:13-18 Philemon 9-10, 12-17 Luke 14.25-33 In a certain American town a college student was told that because of his excellence as a basketball...

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

1 September 2019 Sirach 3:17-18,20, 28-29 Hebrews 12:18-19, 22-24 Luke 14.1, 7-14 Once I was at a wedding and a government minister had been invited also. Before the...

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

25 August 2019 Isaiah 66:18-21 Hebrews 12:5-7,11-13 Luke 13:22-30 Once a friend of mine was in a Post Office in Nigeria waiting to buy stamps. The woman behind...

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

18 August 2019 Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Hebrews 12:1-4, 8-19 Luke 12.49-53 A young man 23 years old who had a very well paid job arrived home one night...

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

11 August 2019 Wisdom 18:6-9 Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19 Luke 12.32-48 Some years ago I received a letter from someone I never met. He was asking for prayers. The...

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019- Year C

 4th August 2019 Ecclesiastes 1.2, 2.21-23 Colossians 3.1-5, 9-11 Luke 12.13-21 A certain rich man, who had never married, inherited a large amount of money at the age...

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

28th July 2019 Genesis 18.20-32 Colossians 2.12-14 Luke 11.1-13 Once a bishop friend invited me to his family home for supper. His parents were still alive. I was...

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

Sunday 21 July 2019  Genesis 18:1-10 Colossians 1:24-28 Luke 10:38–42 One time there was a football competition organized in Paris and one of the African teams arrived to...

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

14th July 2019  Deuteronomy 30:10-14 Colossians 1:15-20 Luke 10:25-37 In a certain city people were coming out of the church after Mass. Many saw a man lying at the...

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

7 July 2019  Isaiah 66.10-14 Galatians 6.14-18 Luke 10.1-12, 17-20 Many years ago at the height of the ‘Troubles’ in Northern Ireland, a Catholic priest went across the...

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

30 June 2019 1 Kings 19:16, 19-21 Galatians 5:1, 13-18 Luke 9: 51-62 On 23 October 1993, Jackie Hewitt, chairman of the Loyalist / Protestant Shankill Community council...

Body and Blood of Christ 2019 – Year C

23 June 2019 Genesis 14:8-20 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Luke 9: 11-17 One time I remember visiting a bush village in Africa. It was a very poor area. It...

Holy Trinity 2019 – Year C

16 June 2019 Proverbs 8.22-31 Romans 5.1-5 John 16.12-15 Recently I was at a meeting during which one woman said to another, ‘After all these years of marriage...

Ascension of the Lord 2019 – Year C

2 June 2019 Acts 1:1-11 Ephesians 1:17-23 Luke 24.46-53 Some years ago I had occasion to visit a married couple, friends of mine, during a time...

5th Sunday of Easter 2019 – Year C

19 May 2019 Acts 14.21-27  Revelation 21.1-5 John 13.31-35 A young woman was about to get married when it was discovered that her brother had been diagnosed...

4th Sunday of Easter 2019 – Year C

12 May 2019 Vocations Sunday Acts 13:14, 43-52 Revelation 7:9, 14-17 John 10. 27- 30 A certain young man was studying at the university as he had a great...

3rd Sunday of Easter 2019 – Year C

5 May 2019 Acts 5:27- 32, 40- 41 Revelation 5:11-14 John 21:1-19 Two men who were very good friends for a long time had a serious disagreement and...

2nd Sunday of Easter 2019 – Year C

Sunday 28 April 2019 Acts 5:16 Revelation 1:9-11, 12-13, 17-19 John 20:19- 31 Divine Mercy Sunday A certain man asked his friend how he could be sure...

Easter Sunday 2019 – Year C

21 April 2019 – Easter Sunday Acts 10:34, 37-43 Colossians 3:1-4 John 20:1-9 (Gospel for the Easter Vigil, Luke 24: 1-12) Many years ago I knew a young married...

Palm Sunday 2019 – Year C

Palm Sunday – 14 April 2019 Isaiah 50.4-7 Philippians 2.6-11 Luke 22.14–23.56 A few years ago during a popular television show here in Ireland, the host...

5th Sunday of Lent 2019 – Year C

7 April 2019 Isaiah 43.16-21 Philippians 3.8-14 John 8.1-11 I once met a woman who told me that the biggest crisis in her married life was the time...

4th Sunday of Lent 2019 – Year C

31 March 2019 Joshua 5.9-12 2 Cor 5.17- 21 Luke 15. 1-3, 11-32 Some time ago, a father was asked by his third son, 19 years old,...

3rd Sunday of Lent 2019 – Year C

24 March 2019 Exodus 3.1-8, 13-15 1 Cor 10.1-6, 10-12 Luke 13.1-9 Some time ago a woman said to her friend that she felt God was punishing her...

1st Sunday of Lent 2019 – Year C

10 March 2019 Deuteronomy 26.4-10 Romans 10.8-13 Luke 4.1-13 A young Irishwoman I know had a very good job with a large company.  She decided to leave...

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – YEAR C

24 February 2019 1 Samuel 26.2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23 1 Cor 15. 45-49 Luke 6.27-38 A robber entered the house of a rich business man at night intending...

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

Sunday 17 February 2019 Jeremiah 17:5-8 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20 Luke 6:17, 20-26 Once a friend of mine who is a stockbroker told me of a couple who...

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

10 February 2019 Isaiah 6.1-8 1 Cor 15.1-11 Luke 5.1-11 A certain man was called by the General Manager of a big company to be told that he...

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

3 February 2019 Jeremiah 1.4-5,17-19 1 Cor 12.31-13.13 Luke 4.21-30 A young woman had been with her boyfriend for some years and then one day she...

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

Sunday 27 January 2019 Neh 8:2-6, 8-10 I Cor 12:12-30 Lk 1:1-4, 4:14-21 Some years ago I was travelling by plane from Ireland to England. Next to me...

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019 – Year C

20 January 2019 Isaiah 62.1-5 1 Cor 12.4-11 John 2.1-11 Some time ago I celebrated the wedding Mass of a young couple, friends of mine. Both the Eucharist...

Baptism of the Lord 2019 – Year C

13 January 2019 Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 Some Christian traditions finish their ‘Christmas season’ with the Feast of the Epiphany (6 January). We in the Catholic Church...

Feast of the Epiphany 2019 – Year C

6 January 2016 A Light for All  Isaiah 60:1-6 Ephesians 3:2-3; 5-6 Mt 2:1-12 I had a priest friend working in Ghana. He loved nature especially birdwatching, taking...

Feast of Mary, Mother of God

Mary, The Holy Mother of God 1st January Numbers 6:22-27 Gal 4.4-7 Luke 2.16-21 A priest once told me of a scene he often witnessed in his part of...

Feast of the Holy Family 2018 – Year C

30 December 2018 1 Sam 1:20-22; 24-28 1 John 3:1-2; 21-24 Luke: 2:41-52 Inspiration for Family Life... “The shepherds hastened to Bethlehem, where they found Mary and Joseph,...

Christmas Day 2018 – Morning Mass

25 December – Mass during the day Isaiah 52.7-10 Hebrews 1.1-6 John 1.1-5, 9-14 A teacher decided to take her class of 10 year olds to visit the...

4th Sunday of Advent – Year C – 2018

23 December 2018 Micah 5.1-4 Hebrews 10.5-10 Luke 1.39-45  A young man was told about an old woman living alone in his town and so he decided to...

3rd Sunday of Advent 2018 – Year C

16 December 2018 Zephaniah 3.14-18 Philippians 4.4-7 Luke 3.10-18 A young married couple had two children and the day came for the eldest, a boy, to go to...

2nd Sunday of Advent 2018 – Year C

9 December 2018 Baruch 5:1-9 Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11 Luke 3:1-6 When I was in University I was very blessed to have another seminarian as a study partner for...

Feast of the Immaculate Conception 2018 – Year C

Feast of the Immaculate Conception – 8 December 2018 Genesis 3:9-15,20 Ephesians 1:3-6,11-12 Luke 1:26-38 At a time of water shortage in her village, a woman went looking...

First Sunday of Advent 2018 – Year C

2 December 2015  Jeremiah 33:14 - 16 1 Thessalonians 3:12 - 4:2 Luke 21:25 - 28, 34 - 36 Some years ago I visited my niece who was...

Feast of Christ the King 2018 – Year B

25 November 2018 Daniel 7: 13-14 Revelation 1: 5-8 John 18: 33-37 Many years ago our school debating team qualified for the finals of the national competition.  We...

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

18 November 2018 Daniel 12.1-3 Hebrews 10.11-14 Mark 13.24-32 Some time ago an elderly friend of mine said to me that he was afraid of dying....

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

11 November 2018 1 Kings 17:10-16 Hebrews 9:24-28 Mark 12.38-44 Coming up to elections in the past it was often seen that those seeking to be...

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

Sunday, 4 November 2018 Deuteronomy 6:2-6 Hebrews 7:23-28 Mark 12:28b-34 In today’s Gospel Jesus is once again in dialogue with a lawyer. But unusually this meeting is a...

Holy Souls 2018

Reflection for November 2 Readings for Commemoration of all the faithful departed 2 November 2018  Isaiah 25:6-9 Psalm  26 Romans 5:5-11           Mark 15:33-39, 16:1-6 COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED   When...

29th Sunday in Ordinary time 2018 – Year B – Mission Sunday

Sunday 21 October 2018 Is 53:10-11 Heb 4:14-16 Mark 10:35-45 In his Message for Mission Sunday 2018, Pope Francis tells us that Christian Families are Missionary Families. It...

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

14 October 2018 Wisdom 7:7-11 Hebrews 4:12 – 13 Mark 10:17 - 30 Once I was flying to Nigeria via London Heathrow. Next to me was...

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

7 October 2018 Genesis 2: 18-24 - Hebrews 2: 9-11 - Mark 10: 2-16 Once I worked in a certain African country. In a rather remote...

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

30 September 2018 Numbers 11: 25-29 James 5: 1-6 Mark 9: 38-48 A certain man who had been brought up thinking that only the Catholic Church possessed the...

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

23 September 2018 Wisdom 2:12, 17 – 20 James 3:16 – 4.3 Mark 9.30 – 37   When working in Philippines I  met a man who was...

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

16 September 2018 Isaiah 50: 4 – 9 James 2: 14 – 18 Mark 8: 27 – 35 In a certain town a young girl came...

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

9 September 2018 Isaiah 35:4-7 James 2:1-5 Mark 7:31-37 One time I was watching a football match on television. On either side of me were two priest friends,...

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

 2 September 2018 Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-8 James 1:17-18, 20-22, 27 Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 There was once a woman who had this terrible need to wash...

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

26 August 2018 Joshua 24:1-2, 15-17, 18 Ephesians 5:21-32 John 6:60-69 A certain young man was in love with a young woman. They had been together...

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

19th August 2018 I am the Living Bread Proverbs 9:1-6; Ephesians 5:15-20; Gospel John 6:51-58. The 1st reading speaks of wisdom as the word of God, given...

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

12th August, 2015 1 Kings 19.4-8 Ephesians 4.30 – 5.2 John 6.41-51 After the fall of communism in Romania it was found that there were a number of...

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

5 August 2018 Exodus 16.2-4, 12-15 Ephesians 4.17, 20-24 John 16.24-35 A young man upset his parents when he left his well-paid, secure job to take up a...

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

29 July 2018 2 Kings 4.42-44 Ephesians 4.1-6 John 6.1-15 In the readings today we see God’s concern for the hungry. In the first reading we heard how...

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

22 July 2018 Jeremiah 23.1- 6 Ephesians 2.13-18 Mark 6.30-34 If I were to name a saint I would certainly name a certain woman in our neighbourhood when...

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

15 July 2018 Amos 7.12-15 Ephesians 1.3-14 Mark 6.7-13 Some years ago I was visiting some friends when someone knocked at their door. The wife said ‘it is...

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

8 July 2018  Ezekiel 2.2-5 2 Cor 12.7-10 Mark 6.1-6 Some time ago I visited an elderly woman named Joan whom I hadn’t seen for some time. I...

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

1 July 2018 Wisdom 1.13-15, 2.23-24 2 Cor 8.7-9,13-15 Mark 5.21-34 One day a young man decided to visit his old aunt who he hadn’t visited for a...

The Birth of John the Baptist – Year B

Sunday 24 June 2018 Is 49:1-6 Ps 138: 2-3, 13-15 Acts 13:22-26 Luke: 1:57-66, 80   There are several interesting parallels or contrasts between the birth of John the Baptist...

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

Sunday 17 June 2018 Ezekiel 17:22–24 Psalm 92:2–3,13–16 2 Corinthians 5:6–10 Mark 4:26–34 Background on the Gospel Reading After Lent, the Easter season, and three Sundays of feast days—Pentecost, Most...

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

Sunday 10 June 2018 Genesis 3:9–15 Psalm 130:1–2,3–4,5–6,7–8 (7bc) 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 Mark 3:20–35 Whoever does the will of God is brother and sister and mother to me. In the...

Feast of Corpus Christi 2018 – Year B

Sunday 3 June 2018 Exodus 24:3-8 Hebrews 9:11-15 Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 ‘This is my body which is given for you.’ (Luke 22:19)                          Jesus put his body on the...

Most Holy Trinity 2018 – Year B

27 May 2018 Deuteronomy 4.32-34, 39-40 Romans 8.14-17 Matthew 28.16-20   St Augustine of Hippo was a great philosopher and theologian who wanted so much to understand the doctrine...

Pentecost Sunday 2018 – Year B

20 May 2018 Acts 2.1-11: 1 Cor. 12.3-7,12-13 John 20.19-23 Some years ago I met a man in Ireland who had just returned from England where he visited...

Ascension of the Lord 2018 – Year B

13 May 2018 Acts 1.1-11 Ephesians 1.17-23 Mark 16.15-20 Some years ago I decided to visit some friends of mine, a married couple. It was not a visit...

6th Sunday of Easter 2018 – Year B

6 May 2018 Acts 10.25-26, 34-35, 44-48      JOHN 4.7-10                         JOHN 15.9-17 A young man got married and he asked his wife if they could go,...

5th Sunday of Easter 2018 – Year B

  29 April, 2018 ACTS 9.26-31              1 JOHN 3.18-24                JOHN 15.1-8 A certain young man in his twenties had got into bad company. Soon he...

4th Sunday of Easter 2018 – Year B

22 April, 2018 Acts 4.8-12          1 John 3.1-2                        John 10.11-18 Once when I worked in Africa, as an effort to generate funds for our community we...

3rd Sunday of Easter 2018 – Year B

15 April 2018 Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 1 John 2:1-5 Luke 24:35-48 In the hours and days that followed the resurrection, the pervading atmosphere amongst the disciples was fear....

2nd Sunday of Easter 2018 – Year B

 8 April 2018 Acts 4:32-35 1 John 5:1-6 John 20:19-31 The story is told that the devil wanted to get into heaven so he disguised himself as Jesus....

Easter Sunday 2018 – Year B

Easter Sunday – 1 April 2018 Acts 10:34, 37-43 Colossians 3:1-4 John 20:1-9 Many years ago I knew a young married couple, very happily married. Then...

Mass of the Lord’s Supper – Holy Thursday 2018

Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper Holy Thursday – 29 March 2018 Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14 1 Cor 11:23-26 John 13:1-15 In a recent television interview a famous...

5th Sunday of Lent 2018 – Year B

18 March 2018 Jeremiah 31:31-34 Hebrews 5:7-9 John 12:20-33 Many years ago a famous footballer who had been a legend in his own lifetime agreed to play one...

4th Sunday of Lent 2018 – Year B

11 March 2018 2 Chronicles 36:14-16,19-21 Ephesians 2:4-10 John 3:14-21 The husband of a certain woman was killed unexpectedly in a car crash and she said to a...

3rd Sunday of Lent 2018 – Year B

4 March 2018 Exodus 20:1-7 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 John 2:13-25   A couple I know decided to go to Lourdes in France where the Blessed Virgin appeared...

2nd Sunday of Lent 2018 – Year B

25 February 2018 Genesis 22:1-2, 9, 15-18 Romans 8:31-34 Mark 9:2-10 Some time ago a woman was talking to a priest and said that 8 years earlier...

1st Sunday of Lent 2018 – Year B

18 February 2018 Genesis 9: 8 – 15 1 Peter 3:18 – 22 Mark 1:12 – 15 Some time ago a businessman went to a psychologist....

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

11 February 2018   Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46 1 Cor 10:31-11.1 Mark 1:40-45   An eight year old boy, through no fault of his own, because of a blood transfusion was...

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

4 February 2018  Job 7:1-4, 6-7     1 Cor. 9:16-19     Mark 1:29-39 Some time ago a mother who had her little daughter held by the hand was...

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

28 January 2018 Deuteronomy 18: 15-20  1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Mark 1: 21-28 Some years ago I was visiting someone sick a hospital. After the visit I was in...

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

21 January 2018 Jonah 3:1-5, 10 1 Cor 7:29 – 31 Mark 1.14 – 20 In a certain family there were three children. When they reached their early...

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 – Year B

Sunday 14th January 2018 1 Samuel 3:3-10,19 1 Cor 6:13-15,17-20 John 1:35-42 Many years ago shortly after I had done the leaving Certificate Examination, one of the priests...

Baptism of the Lord 2018 – Year B

                    Feast of the Baptism of the Lord   07 January 2018 Isaiah 55:1-11 Psalm 28 Acts 10:34-38 Mark 1:6-11  The pursuit of happiness… With the Feast of...

Feast of The Holy Family 2017

Reflection for the Feast of the Holy Family... Feast of the Holy Family Sunday after Christmas 31 December 2017 Readings Genesis 15:1-6.21:1-3 Psalm 104 Hebrews 11:8,11-12,17-19 Luke...

Christmas Day Mass 2017

At Christmas time we remember once again God’s intervention in the lives of his people – his decision to bring light into darkness, to...

4th Sunday of Advent 2017 – Year B

Have you a place for Jesus 24 December 2017 2 Samuel 7.1-5,8-11,16 Romans 16.25-27 Luke 1.26-38 There is a wonderful story of a four year old child. On...

3rd Sunday of Advent 2017 – Year B

Who is the Messiah? 17 December 2017 Isaiah 61:1-2,10-11 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 John 1:6-8,19-28 The Guru or Indian holy man was meditating in his cave in the mountains and...

2nd Sunday of Advent 2017 – Year B

Your God is coming - prepare the way of the Lord 10 December 2014 Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 2 Peter 3:8-14 Mark 1:1-8 Some years ago a relative of...

1st Sunday of Advent 2017 – Year B

Waiting for God - 3 December 2017 Isaiah 63:16-17, 19, & 62:4-7 1 Cor. 1:3-9 Mark 13:33-37 One night Jesus appeared to a devout widow and told her that...

Christ The King 2017 – Year A

  Readings for the Solemnity of Christ the King (A) 26 November 2017  Ezekiel: 34:11-12 Psalm 22 1 Corinthians 15:20-26,28 Matthew 25:31-46 READY FOR THE JOURNEY... Today we celebrate the feast of Christ...

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

Sunday 19 November 2017 Readings for 33rd Sunday of the Year (A) Proverbs:31:10-13,19-20,30-31 Psalm 127 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Matthew 25:14-30 READY FOR THE JOURNEY... ...

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

12 November 2017 Wisdom 6.12-16 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18 Matthew 25.1-13 A certain young woman asked her brother to accompany her to the airport as her fiancé...

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

 5 November 2017 Malachi 1.14,2.2, 8-10 1 Thessalonians 2.7-9,13 Matthew 23.1-12 Shortly after arriving in an African country I was appointed to teach in a High School. Three...

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

29 October 2017 Exodus 22:20-27 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Matthew 22:34-40 There is a certain man who goes to daily mass and communion. Sad to say this man is...

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

22 October 2017 – Mission Sunday Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 Matthew 22:15-21 Mission Sunday theme: That you may have life One time I was driving a friend...

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

Reflection for the Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) ... 28th Sunday of Year (A) 15 October 2017 Readings (Year A) Isaiah 25:6-10 Psalm 22 Philippians 4:12-14,19-20 ...

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

8 October 2017 Isaiah 5:1-7 Philippians 4:6-9 Matthew 21:33-43 A certain couple had 5 children, 4 of whom were generally pleasing to their parents but one...

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

1 October 2017 Ezekiel 18:25-28 Philippians 2:1-11 Matthew 21:28-32 A young priest was appointed to a certain parish. He spoke to the parishioners about his desire to...

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

24 September 2017 Isaiah 55:6-9 Philippians 1:20-24, 27 Matthew 20:1-16 Once there was a certain woman who complained to her brother that she felt that her...

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

17 September 2017 Ecclesiasticus 27:30 – 28.7 Romans 14:7 - 9 Matthew 18:21 - 35 Some time ago a friend was telling me that he was at a...

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

10 September 2017  Ezekiel 33: 7 – 9 Romans 13: 8 – 10 Matthew 18.15-20 Some years ago I was visiting a friend in hospital. As I was about...

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

3 September 2017 Jeremiah 20:7-9 Romans 12:1-2 Matthew 16.21-27 Some years ago two of our SMA priests were kidnapped in Liberia where there is a terrible civil war. For...

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

27 August 2017 Isaiah 22:19 - 23 Romans 11:33 - 36 Matthew 16:13 - 20 “Who do you say I am ?”... We know Peter’s inspirational...

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

20 August 2017 Isaiah 56:1, 6-7 Romans 11:13-15, 29-32 Matthew 15:21-28 An Invitation...             ... to strangers...                      ... can do marvels... This Gospel story can...

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

13th August 2017 1 Kings 19:9, 11-13 Romans 9:1-5 Matthew 14:22-33 For my 7th birthday my father bought me a beautiful shiny red bicycle. I couldn’t wait to...

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord – Year A

Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14; 2 Peter 1:16-19: Matthew 17:1-9 6 August 2017   A certain man took a woman work colleague for a meal a number of times...

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

30 July 2017 1 Kings 3:5-12 Romans 8:28-30 Matthew 13:44-52 Near to where I live in Cork an old man was dying. He had been a farmer...

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

23 July 2017 Wisdom 12.13, 16-19 Romans 8.26-27 Matthew 13.24-43 A certain boy started High School. He was quite intelligent as well as being good at sport. But...

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

16 July 2017 Isaiah 55.10-11 Romans 8.18-23 Matthew 13.1-23 A number of years ago I visited the local Catholic community in a very poor agricultural area of Nigeria,...

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

  9 July 2017 Zecheriah 9:9-10 Psalm 144 Romans 8:9,11-13 Matthew 11:25-30 A Comforting Invitation... At certain times we have all felt under pressure, stressed or stretched to...

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

2 July 2017 2 Kings 4:8-11. 14-16 Psalm 88:2-3. 16-19 Romans 6:3-4.8-11 Matthew 10: 37-42    Some months after his ordination in 1963 an SMA priest was about to leave...

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017 – Year A

  Readings for 12th Sunday of Year (A) 25 June 2017 Jeremiah 20:10-13 Psalm 68 Romans 5:12-15 Matthew 10:26-33 A Thought for the day ... The Gift of...

Body & Blood of Christ 2017 – Year A

18 June 2017 Deuteronomy 8:2-3,14-16.   1 Corinthians 10:16-17 John 6:51-58 Reflection for Feast of Corpus Christi... Christ embraces everyone... Some years ago, I was driving...

Feast of the Holy Trinity (Year A)

The HOLY TRINITY 11 June 2017 Exodus 34:4-6, 8-9 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 John 3:16-18 I once heard a story about a young Dublin lad with a...

Pentecost Sunday 2017 – Year A

Locked up Holy Spirit   4 June 2014                 Readings:    Acts 2:1-11    1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 11-13   John 20:19-23 When great people die we often say their "spirit" lives after them....

Ascension of the Lord 2017 – Year A

The Ascension of the Lord 28 May 2017 Acts of Apostles 1:1-11 Ephesians 1:17-23 Matthew 28.16 -20 A few years a certain man was driving along in his car and...

6th Sunday of Easter 2017 – Year A

21 May 2017 Readings for 6th Sunday of Easter   Acts 8:5-8 Psalm 65 1 Peter 3:15-18 John 14: 15 - 21 Spirit of Truth... "On a huge hill,...

6th Sunday of Easter 2017 – Year A

21 May 2017 Readings for 6th Sunday of Easter   Acts 8:5-8 Psalm 65 1 Peter 3:15-18 John 14: 15 - 21 Spirit of Truth... "On a huge hill,...

5th Sunday of Easter 2017 – Year A

14 May 2017 Acts of Apostles 6.1-7 1 Peter 2.4-9 John 14.1-12 Sometime ago I met a woman whose husband had died very suddenly because of cancer and...

5th Sunday of Easter 2017 – Year A

14 May 2017 Acts of Apostles 6.1-7 1 Peter 2.4-9 John 14.1-12 Sometime ago I met a woman whose husband had died very suddenly because of cancer and...

4th Sunday of Easter 2017 – Year A

07 May 2017 Acts of Apostles 2:14, 36-41 1 Peter 2.20-25 John 10.1-10 A certain young woman in her early thirties was a very fearful person. She was fearful...

4th Sunday of Easter 2017 – Year A

07 May 2017 Acts of Apostles 2:14, 36-41 1 Peter 2.20-25 John 10.1-10 A certain young woman in her early thirties was a very fearful person. She was fearful...

3rd Sunday of Easter 2017 – Year A

30 April 2017 Acts of Apostles 2:14, 22-28 1 Peter 1:17-21 Luke 24: 13-35 Some time ago I was visiting a family and one morning the mother...

3rd Sunday of Easter 2017 – Year A

30 April 2017 Acts of Apostles 2:14, 22-28 1 Peter 1:17-21 Luke 24: 13-35 Some time ago I was visiting a family and one morning the mother...

2nd Sunday of Easter 2017 – Year A

23 April 2017 Acts of Apostles 2.42-47 1 Peter 1.3-9 John 20.19-31 Some time ago I was speaking to a young man in his late 20’s. He wanted...

Feast of St Patrick

Today cities, towns and villages throughout the country are crowded, many people wearing shamrock or badges and celebrating our National Day with parades, floats,...

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2016 – Year C

19 June 2016Zechariah 12.10-11, 13.1Galatians 3.26-29Luke 9.18-24 A certain elderly woman who lived overseas rarely visited her brothers and only sister who still lived in...

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2016 – Year C

12 June 20162 Samuel 12:7-10, 13Galatians 2:16, 19-21Luke 7:36 - 8.3‘Set no limits to forgiveness’ is a theme in today’s readings. In the first...

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2016 – Year C

5 June 20161 Kings 17:17-24Galatians 1:11-19Luke 7:11-17Today we read about a situation which echoes in many of our lives. A mother is burying her...

Is Risen!

          Through the heart that loved us,          A soldier’s spear is driven.          He who wore the shroud of death,          Is rising from the dead,         ...

2nd Sunday of Lent 2016 – Year C

21 February 2016Genesis 15. 5-12, 17-18Philippians 3.17 – 4.1Luke 9.28-36Some time ago an elderly man was telling me that during his university years he...

First Sunday of Lent 2016 – Reflection

7 February 2016Luke 4:1-13The following is taken from the Trócaire 2016 Reflections for Sundays of LentAs we enter the season of Lent we are being called...

2nd Sunday of Christmas 2016 – Year C

The Book of Ecclesiasticus, from which our first reading comes, is also known by the Hebrew name of its author, Sirach. It is one...

Christmas Eve Mass 2015

Joy for all the peopleIsaiah 9:1-6Titus 2:11-14Luke 2:1-14Two thousand years ago a young couple had a baby in a stable in Bethlehem. Their joy...

4th Sunday of Advent 2015 – Year C

20 December 20152 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-11, 16Romans 16:25-27Luke 1:26-38 I am the servant of the Lord. Let what you say be done!The fourth Sunday of...

34th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2015 – Year B

22 November 2015Feast of Jesus Christ, Universal KingDaniel 7:13 - 14Revelation 1:5-8John 18:33b-37Today it is fitting to talk about kings and kingdoms, about the kingdom...

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2015 – Year B

21 June 2015Job 38.1, 8-11 2 Cor. 5.14-17Mark 4.35-41There is a story about a sea captain who in his retirement skippered a boat taking...

4th Sunday of Easter – Year B

    26 April, 2015 Acts 4.8-12          1 John 3.1-2                        John 10.11-18 Once when I worked in Africa, as an effort to generate...

6th Sunday of Lent 2015- Year B

March 29th, 2015 Acts 10.25-26, 34-35, 44-48: 1 John 4.7-10:            John 15.9-17 A young man got married and he asked his wife...

2nd Sunday after Christmas 2015 – Year B

The Book of Ecclesiasticus, from which our first reading comes, is also known by the Hebrew name of its author, Sirach. It is one...

Feast of the Epiphany 2015 – Year B

Some years ago I visited an SMA colleague in Nigeria. He was renowned for his fluency in several local languages and his interest in...

Christmas Night Mass 2014

In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, we read that when God made the world he was happy because it was very good....

Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 2014

    Readings   9 November 2014 Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12 Psalm 45 1 Corinthians 3:9-11,16-17 John 2:13-22 ...

All Souls’ Day 2014 – Year A

Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed Isaiah 25:6-9Romans 5:5-11Matthew 11:25-30 When I worked in Nigeria I met a young Dominican priest there and he...

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2014 – Mission Sunday

Mission Sunday 2014 Isaiah 45:1, 4-61 Thessalonians 1:1-5Matthew 22:15-21 Today we are invited to think about the missionary work of the Church, to broadne...

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2014 – Year A

16 November 2014 Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-311 Thessalonians 5:1-6Matthew 25.14-30 A young missionary priest was, shortly after arriving in an African country, sent by...

34th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2014 – Year A

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-171 Corinthians 15:20-26Matthew 25:31-46 Some years ago I went to visit an old aunt...

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2014 – Year A

12 October 2014 Sincere aplogies for confusing the homilies for the 27th and 28th Sundays in Ordinary Time. I have corrected the mistake. Isaiah...

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2014 – Year A

3 August 2014 Isaiah 55:1-3 Romans 8:35, 37-39 Matthew  14:13-21 As much as they wanted These times I find myself listening to news, reading about...

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2014 – Year A

27 July 2014 1 Kings 3:5-12 Romans 8:28-30 Matthew 13:44-52 Near to where I live in Cork an old man was dying. He had...

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2014 – Year A

20 July 2014 Wisdom 12.13, 16-19Romans 8.26-27Matthew 13.24-43 A certain boy started High School. He was quite intelligent as well as being good at...

Body & Blood of Christ 2014 – Year A

Reflection for Feast of Corpus Christi... The Body & Blood of Christ 22 June 2014 Deuteronomy 8:2-3,14-16 Psalm 147 1...

Pentecost Sunday 2014 – Year A

Locked up Holy Spirit   8 June 2014                 Readings:    Acts 2:1-11    1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 11-13   John...

6th Sunday of Easter 2014 – Year A

25 May 2014 Readings for 6th Sunday of Easter   Acts 8:5-8Psalm 651 Peter 3:15-18John 14: 15 - 21...

Easter Sunday 2014 – Year A

Acts of Apostles 10.34, 37-43 Col. 3.1-4 John 20.1-9 I once visited a family with 4 children. The parents explained to me that their...

Holy Thursday 2014 – Year A

Mass of the Lord’s Supper - Holy Thursday Exodus 12.1-8,11-14 1 Cor 11.23-26 John 13.1-15 During a TV interview a well-known Muslim scholar said...

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2014 – Year A

2 March 2014 Isaiah 49:14 - 151 Corinthians 4:1 - 5Matthew 6: 24 - 34 In today’s Gospel Christ says: “Look at the birds...

Presentation of the Lord

2 February 2014 Malachi 3: 1 - 4Hebrews 2: 14 - 18Luke 2: 22 - 40 It is natural that whenever we want to...

4th Sunday of Easter 2014 – Year A

11 May 2014 Acts of Apostles 2:14, 36-411 Peter 2.20-25John 10.1-10 A certain young woman in her early thirties was a very fearful person....

5th Sunday of Easter 2014 – Year A

18 May 2014 Acts of Apostles 6.1-71 Peter 2.4-9John 14.1-12 Sometime ago I met a woman whose husband had died very suddenly because of...

3rd Sunday of Easter 2014 – Year A

4 May 2014 Acts of Apostles 2:14, 22-281 Peter 1:17-21Luke 24: 13-35 Some time ago I was visiting a family and one morning the...

2nd Sunday of Easter 2014 – Year A

27 April 2014 Acts of Apostles 2.42-471 Peter 1.3-9John 20.19-31 Some time ago I was speaking to a young man in his late 20’s....

Feast of the Ascension 2014 – Year A

The Ascension of the Lord1 June 2014 Acts of Apostles 1:1-11Ephesians 1:17-23Matthew 28.16 -20 A few years a certain man was driving along in...

5th Sunday of Lent 2014 – Year A

6 April 2014 Ezekiel 37:12-14Romans 8:8-11John11.1-45 A number of years ago my father called me, as he had to go into hospital and said:...