A reflection for the Sixth Sunday (Cycle C) The difference between Luke’s so-called Sermon on the Plain and Matthew’s version on the Mount is more than a matter of location and length, it is also...
A reflection for the Sixth Sunday (Cycle C) The difference between Luke’s so-called Sermon on the Plain and Matthew’s version on the Mount is more than a matter of location and length, it is also...
Welcome the February edition of the SMA Journal for 2025. This month we feature – Traditions associated with St Brigid and how one was marked in SMA Parish Wilton. – A report on the...
God still calls young people even today, sometimes in ways we can’t imagine. “For vocations to the priesthood and religious life” is the theme of the Pope’s prayer intention for the month of...
The International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking takes place every year on February 8th and coincides with the feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese nun who as a child...
Welcome to the SMA International News – the first edition for 2025. The topic of this bulletin is a recent meeting of SMA Formation Staff that took place in Cote d’Ivoire in January. ...
Fr. Albert Cooney SMA is one hundred years old. He was born on January 7th 1925 and raised in Tierlahood, Stradone, Co. Cavan. He is now the sole surviving sibling of 13 children – 4 of whom chose...
The goals of building up faith communities and church structures, providing education, health care, social development and caring for our environment have been at the heart of the SMA’s missionary work.
Over the years we have supported the care of children at Tanga House, we have helped develop housing for those that were homeless, we have assisted in the building of schools and we have continued to educate Seminarians training to become SMA Missionary Priests.
You can donate to the SMA by ordering one or more Missionary Association Cards. Our cards are designed to let someone know that you have remembered them in a prayerful way. All prayer intentions received are placed before the altar in the Community Chapel of the SMA House from where you got the Card and will be remembered in our daily prayers and Masses.
We have a number of options available for Birthdays, Sympathy, Get Well, Christmas, etc.
Each year we host a selection of events such as Summer schools and camps, climate change and biodiversity conferences and events on human trafficking and advocacy.
We also host Novenas across Ireland.
Readings: Jeremiah 17:5-8; 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20; Luke 6:17, 20-26 Theme: The Beatitudes During my sojourn in the Holy Land in the Spring of 2008, I was privileged to have had the opportunity...
Readings: Isaiah 6:1-8; Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11 Theme: Responding to God’s Call The theme of vocation, or discerning and responding to God’s call, runs through all the readings of today’s...
Readings: Malachi: 3:1-4; Hebrews 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40 Theme: A Light of Revelation for all People Our first reading from the prophet Malachi tells us that the Lord himself will enter his temple...
Beginnings provides an historical account of the initiation of the SMA. It is the SMA story on the founder, choices and international expansion.
Fr. Anthony was extremely active in the Twafawne building project; a community housing initiative for women that had lost their homes.
Supporters in Ireland contribute vital funds to sponsor priests in training in Africa. You can hear about the FVC supporters and what is involved.
Each month we share videos regularly on :
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