Care for Creation Gallery

Care for Creation is about caring for GOD’s earth and appreciating the beauty around us. We have dedicated this page to:

  • Immersing in the fabulous colours of the world around us – flowers, plants, sunsets and nature.
  • Advocating and for positive change and educating ourselves on changes taking place such as climate change, biodiversity and managing waste.

You will find videos, podcasts and posts that feature Care for Creation, and we hope that they are valuable to you.

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Care for Creation Podcasts


To mark the Season of Creation 2023 we recorded a five-part series called “Witnessing Climate Impact in Africa”.

Welcome to Missionary Voices, a soul-stirring podcast where we share insights on issues of social justice, spirituality, Catholic Social Teaching, climate change, and more. Join us for inspirational conversations that ignite change and compassion in a world longing for hope. Embrace the transformative power of faith and service. Subscribe now and be part of a global community for positive change.

This is a collaborative effort between the Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles and the Society of African Missions.

Episode 1 – Sr Cynthia Nwadike OLA (Botswana)

Sr Cynthia Nwadike OLA, living and working in Botswana, speaks to John McGeady, Justice Officer for the Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles and Gerry Forde, Justice Officer for the Society of African Missions. Her first hand account of the impact of climate change in Botswana and in the communities in which she serves are unexpected and startling.

Episode 2 – Fr Ignatius Malwa SMA (Zambia)

This week on our podcast, we speak with Fr Ignatius, who offers a unique perspective on the changing seasons in Zambia. Join us as Fr Ignatius discusses how these shifts in temperature are not just about weather.

He delves into the concerning rise in out-of-season droughts, the impact on regional food supply and farming practices, and how these changes are affecting food security. We’ll also explore the ripple effects on healthcare and infrastructure.

Episode 3 – Sr Dora Sarah Wilberforce OLA and Sr Dorcas Obeng OLA (Ghana)

We hear of stark transformations occurring in the natural environment, particularly in the oceans. Beyond that, we learn about heartbreaking consequences, such as the economic hardships driving women and girls into prostitution when crops fail.

Additionally, we discover about the rising trends of urbanization, rampant price inflation  and the far-reaching effects on crucial resources like energy, water, and food supply. Education, is also fundamentally affected by these challenges.

Episode 4 – Fr. Patrick Kwiss SMA (Nigeria)

In this episode, we sit with Fr. Patrick Kwiss from Nigeria, a region grappling with the relentless impacts of climate change. Fr. Patrick shares a harrowing tale of his homeland, where the delicate balance between drought and unprecedented rains has given rise to devastating floods. These environmental shifts have led to migration, igniting tensions over land rights and culminating in conflicts that ripple through communities and affect the political landscape.

Fr. Patrick’s account underscores a profound truth: the cry of the earth is inexorably intertwined with the cry of the poor. Climate change is linked to violence and conflict. Listen to this eye-opening episode to gain a deeper understanding of the complex web of challenges faced by communities in the wake of climate change.

Episode 5 – Sr Juvenale Yevide OLA (Niger & Burkino Faso)
In the final of this series Justice Officers John and Gerry engage in a thought-provoking discussion with Sr. Juvenale Yevide OLA, who brings her insights from Niger and Burkina Faso to the forefront.

This episode delves into the far-reaching and gendered consequences of climate change in these two countries, which is driving a significant rural-to-urban migration trend. This migration is not only reshaping the social fabric of communities but also affecting crime rates, and perhaps most concerning, pushing teenage schoolgirls into early marriages.

Sr. Juvenale provides invaluable perspectives that shed light on the unique struggles of women and girls in the face of environmental change.


Intergenerational Conference 2023

Listen to speakers at the fourth Cork Conference on Intergenerational Climate Justice.

Climate Change 2022: Impacts, adaption and vulnerability
This UN made video was used as the first input, to reflect the current reality.

Eco-Systems and thinking Ecologically
Dr Emma Hart, Conservation Ecologist explains how biodiversity is effected by climate change.

The Rights of a River
A presentation delivered by James Orr, Friends of the Earth.  Thinking differently.

Climate Change the Global Impact:
Abigael Kima speaks about the impact of Climate change in Kenya.

Climate Change: the Global Impact.
John Hillary Balyejusa speaks about the impact of climate change in Uganda.

Environmentalist Award winners from Glanmire Community College discuss their 2022 YEA Project.

Intergenerational conversation: Protecting the Environment
Helen O’Dowd, Elders for Earth and Saoirse Exton, UN Climate Advisory Group moderated by Elaine Nevin of Eco-UNESCO.

System Change not Climate Change – What can we do?
Presentation delivered by Catherine Seale-Duggan – Community Water Officer.

Laudato Si Week 2023

Protecting Biodiversity – COP15

This is the second article to mark Laudato Si Week 2023, which this year has the theme of “Hope for the Earth, Hope for Humanity.  Our ability to promote and protect Biodiversity is a not only a great source of hope for the earth – but also for humanity which is part of and not separate […]

Caring for Our Common Home – Laudato Si’ Week 2023

To mark the eighth anniversary of the publication of the encyclical “Laudato Si’ – On Care for Our Common Home” this week (on 24 May), we look briefly at the current state of the world’s efforts to deal with the Climate Change and Biodiversity crises facing our world. In particular, we look back at the two […]

Biodiversity Awareness Campaign: LAUDATOS SI’ WEEK

The Society of African Missions (SMA) and the Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles (OLA)  in collaboration with Elders for Earth, SHEP Earth Aware, and Green Spaces for Health, are running a two-week biodiversity awareness campaign from 17 to 29 May 2021. This campaign coincides with the International Day for Biological Diversity on 22 May […]

Get Involved

Each year we run a variety of events and conferences on Care for Creation, that you are welcome to attend. Information is shared on our Facebook and X pages for you to register.

Along with our events, we publish posts on Care for Creation, showcase many images of God’s creation and share addresses by Pope Francis as he speaks about Care for Creation.