
St Josephs SMA Parish, Blackrock road is open daily for parish services and available for wedding ceremonies, baptisms and holy communions.

Open/Mass Times


Monday to Saturday: 7.15am and 10.00am.
Sunday: 7.00pm on Saturday (Vigil), 10.00am and 12 noon (Sunday).
Holy days 7.15am, 10.00am (Bank and Public Holidays 10.00am Mass only.)



Each week, Blackrock Parish creates and published a bulletin with readings, events and notices. You can download it here.



Our priests are: Fr John Denvir Co-PP, Fr Jerome Anoumou-Sassou SMA, Curate.

Book Mass

Book Mass3

Call into the Parish Reception or phone 021 4292871, Monday to Friday, 9.30 – 6.00pm.

Book Baptisms


The parish is available for baptisms. To book, please call the parish office 021 4292871 and they will send a booking form to you.

Book Weddings


By appointment only. Three months’ notice required by Church and State.  Premarriage Course required. For a booking form, contact the parish office 021 4292871.

Web Cam


All Sunday and weekday Masses are available live via our webcam as well as recordings of previous Sunday Masses and a selection other recordings and videos about the SMA

You can access the webcam here.


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Novena in Honour of Our Lady (May): @ 10.00am
Novena in Honour of St Therese of Lisieux (23 Sept – 1 Oct): Novena Mass @ 7.30pm /Sat: 7.00pm.
Holy Souls: During November – Mass in Community Oratory for all those whose names are placed at the Altar. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament –after 10.00am every First Friday of the Month until 12 noon.


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The first SMA establishment in Ireland (April 1877) was at Lough View on the Old Youghal Road, Cork. In October 1877 the SMA moved to a larger premises at Elm Grove, Mayfield, where a Secondary School for those who wanted to be missionary priests opened.

Read more here.

Contact the Parish Office

Opening Times: Monday and Friday 10am – 4pm
Tel 021 461 6327
Email [email protected]