SMA Journal – February 2025
Welcome the February edition of the SMA Journal for 2025. This month we feature
- Traditions associated with St Brigid and how one was marked...
Homily for the 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2025
Readings: Jeremiah 17:5-8; 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20; Luke 6:17, 20-26
Theme: The Beatitudes
During my sojourn in the Holy Land in the Spring of 2008,...
POPE FRANCIS PRAYER INTENTION FOR FEBRUARY 2025 | For vocations to the priesthood and...
God still calls young people even today, sometimes in ways we can’t imagine.
“For vocations to the priesthood and religious life” is the theme of...
International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking – 8 Feb
The International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking takes place every year on February 8th and coincides with the feast of St....
Homily for the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2025
Readings: Isaiah 6:1-8; Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11
Theme: Responding to God’s Call
The theme of vocation, or discerning and responding to God’s call, runs through all...
SMA International News – Feb 2025
Welcome to the SMA International News - the first edition for 2025. The topic of this bulletin is a recent meeting of SMA Formation...
The Oldest SMA in the World
Fr. Albert Cooney SMA is one hundred years old. He was born on January 7th 1925 and raised in Tierlahood, Stradone, Co. Cavan. He...
Homily for the Feast of the Presentation, 2nd February 2025
Readings: Malachi: 3:1-4; Hebrews 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40
Theme: A Light of Revelation for all People
Our first reading from the prophet Malachi tells us that the...
Reflection for the feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle – 25th January...
In his Apostolic Exhortation The Word of the Lord written after the 2009 Synod of Bishops on the Word of God – Pope Benedict...
Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, 2025
Theme: May your Kingdom come on earth as in heaven.
Readings Nehemiah 8: 2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; 1 Corinthians 12:12-30; Luke 1 : 1-4; 4:14-21
There are...
Our Lady of Apostles (OLA) and Society of African Missions (SMA) wish to recruit a full-time Justice Officer. The Joint Justice Officer’s role is...
The Pope: The world is full of children who are “sacrificial victims” of abuse...
Below is edited text from a report published by Agenzia Fides on 15-1.25:
"Child abuse, of whatever nature, is a despicable act, it is...
SMA Journal – January 2025
Welcome to the first SMA Journal for 2025. This month we have three short video reports about the work and lives of Irish SMA's
Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2025
Theme: New wine in new wine-skins
Readings Isaiah 62: 1-5; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; John 2: 1-11.
Too often Christianity has been wrongly presented, as a...
POPE FRANCIS PRAYER INTENTION FOR JANUARY 2025 | For the right to an education
In this month Pope Francis asks us to pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which...
Jubilee Year 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope
The Jubilee Year began on Christmas Eve 2024 and was marked by the opening of the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica in the...
Homily for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, 2025
Readings: Isaiah 42: 1-4,6-7; Titus 2: 11-14, 3:4-7; Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
Theme: ‘You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you’ (Lk...
Readings: Isaiah 60:1-6; Ephesians 3:2-3, 5-6; Matthew 2:1-12
Theme: ‘We saw his star as it rose and have come to do him homage’ (Mt 2:2)
Below is an edited version of an Agenzia Fides article written by Fabio Beretta and published on the 30/12/2024
“We can ask them: How did you...
Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Christmas 2024
Readings: Ecclesiasticus 24:1-2,8-12; Ephesians 1:3-6,15-18; John 1:1-18
Theme: ‘The Word was made flesh and lived among us’ (John 1:14).
Many of you may remember a...
Forgive us our trespasses: grant us your peace
I. Listening to the plea of an endangered humanity
1. At the dawn of this New Year given to...
Homily on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Readings: Numbers 6:22-27; Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:16:21
Theme: ‘The heart of a Mother is God’s loveliest masterpiece’ (St Thérèse of Lisieux)
(1st January 2025)
I’m sure...
Video Recordings of Presentations delivered at the 5th Conference on Intergenerational Climate Justice
The 2024 Conference on Intergenerational Climate Justice took place on the 17th of October. The theme of this year's event was, "Climate Justice Who...
"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people....
Adverts announcing the ‘magic of Christmas’ alert us – starting earlier every year it seems – to the markets and merchandise of the mid-winter...
A Reflection for the fourth Week of Advent – Fr Paddy O’Rourke SMA
This is the fourth and last in our series of video reflections for the Season of Advent given by Fr Paddy O'Rourke SMA, Leader...
SMA Journal – December
Welcome to the SMA Journal for December, a short video medley of stories and SMA events.
First, we hear about Cork City Missing Persons...
Homily for the 4th Sunday of Advent – Year C
Readings: Micah 3:1-4a; Hebrews 10:5-10; Lk 1: 34-45
Theme: Mary, the Most Blessed of all women
In last Sunday’s liturgy it was John the Baptist,...
Towards a Synodal Church in Mission – a video summary of the final document
This is the fourth video in the series of presentations prepared and delivered by Fr Michael McCabe SMA on the Synod. In this he...
A Reflection for the third Week of Advent – Fr Noel O’Leary SMA
This is the third in our series of short video reflections on the Season of Advent from SMA Fathers. This one, is given by...
Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, 2025
Readings: Zephaniah 3:14-18a; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3:10-18
Theme: Rejoice, the Lord is near
Today, Gaudete (rejoice) Sunday, the theme of joy naturally dominates the liturgy....
DECEMBER 2024 | For pilgrims of hope
For pilgrims of hope is the prayer intention chosen by Pope Francis for the month of December. It is a special invitation within the context...
(Feast of the Immaculate Conception)
On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception 168 years ago, Mgr Melchior de Marion Brésillac founded the Society of African...
A Picture of the SMA Founder
SMA Foundation Day – the 8th of December is when SMA Missionaries all around the world celebrate and remember the fact that, in 1856,...
A Reflection for the Second Week of Advent – Fr Michael O’Leary SMA
This is the second in our series of short video reflections on the Season of Advent from SMA Fathers. This one, just over two...
LEX INNOCENTIUM – The Law of the Innocents, 21st Century
In this season of Advent, a time of preparing for the coming of Christ, whose birth the Gospel tells us was welcomed by Angels...
Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Advent, Year C
Readings: Baruch 5:1-9; Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11; Luke 3:1-6
Theme: Prepare the Way of the Lord
Advent is not a penitential season in the same sense that Lent is....
Welcome to the December edition of the SMA International News for 2024. This month we have a report from Nigeria, where the Catholic Diocese...
A Reflection for the first week of Advent – Fr John Denvir SMA
This is the first in a series of four short video reflections on the Season of Advent delivered by SMA Fathers. This one is...
Father Martin O’Hare, SMA [RIP]
It is with feelings of deep sorrow that we announce the death of our dear confrere, Father Martin O’Hare, SMA.
Fr Martin died peacefully in...
Father Edward Peter BERMINGHAM, SMA (1916 – 1953)
We look back many decades in an article researched and written by Fr. Basil Babatunde Soyoye, SMA a Nigerian SMA Missionary who is now...
Towards a Synodal Church in Mission
(The Final Document of the Synod on Synodality)
by Michael McCabe SMA
The second universal session of the Synod on Synodality took place in Rome,...
SMA Journal
Welcome to what we plan to be one of many SMA Journals – short video accounts of SMA events and happenings in the present...
Update so far on COP29
Below is an update provided by the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice on Mon 18 Nov 2024. It provides a brief overview of...
Holy See to COP29: Indifference is an accomplice to injustice
Below is an article written by Francesca Merlo in the Vatican Newsletter of Nov 14th in which she reports on the address made to...
Fr Michael Waters, SMA, RIP.
Below is the text of the homily preached by Fr Colm O Shea SMA at the requiem Mass for Fr Michael Waters.
1966 was a...
NOVEMBER 2024 | For those who have lost a child
In his prayer intention for November, the Pope invites us to pray that “all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find...
Homily for the 32nd Sunday Year B 2024
Readings: 1 Kings 17:10-16; Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12: 38-44.
Theme: ‘To give and not to count the cost.’ (St Ignatius of Loyola).
Widows feature prominently in...
Fr Michael Waters SMA [RIP]
The death has taken place of Fr Michael Waters, SMA. Fr Michael died peacefully with his family around him at the SMA House, African...
COP 29 – its hard to be hopeful
The UN's 29th Climate Change Conference of Peoples (Cop 29) will take place from the 11 to the 22nd of Nov. The under-whelming progress...
Welcome to the SMA International News for November. In this edition we hear about a visit by a group of young people from Turin...
Reflection on Readings for All Souls Day, Sat 12 November 2024 – Fr Kevin...
Readings: Is 25:6-9; Ps. 26 varia; Rom 5:5-11; Mk 15:33-39, 16:1-6
After celebrating the Communion of Saints yesterday we turn today to the Commemoration of...
Homily for the 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2024
Readings: Deuteronomy 6:2-6; Hebrews 7:23-28; Mark 12: 28b-34
Theme: ‘Without love, I am nothing’ (1 Cor 13:2).
In today’s gospel passage from Mark, a scribe...
2024 Conference on Intergenerational Climate Justice
Climate Breakdown: Who Cares? This was the theme for the 5th Conference on Intergenerational Climate Justice Conference that took place online on the morning...
Homily for 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B
Readings: Jeremiah 31:7-9, Hebrews 5:1-6, Mark 10:46-52
Theme: The courageous faith of Bartimaeus
Today’s gospel reading recounts one of the most fascinating miracle stories in...
Message of the Holy Father for World Mission Sunday 2024
The following is the Message of the Holy Father Francis for the 98th World Mission Day, to be held on Sunday 20 October 2024...
Homily for the 29th Sunday Year B, 2024
Readings: Is 53:10-11; Heb 4:14-16; Mk 10:35-45
Today’s gospel reading opens with Jesus and his disciples on the road, heading for Jerusalem. Jesus has just...
Father Pier Luigi Maccalli: “I return home after 6 years between tears of joy...
(Agenzia Fides) - "The thread of my presence in Niger (of 11 uninterrupted years) was broken on September 17, 2018 with the kidnapping. Exactly...
Reflection on Readings for Sat 12 October 2024 – Fr Kevin O’Gorman SMA
Readings: Gal 3:22-29; Ps 104:2-7; Lk 11:27-28.
Today’s Gospel text is one of the shortest readings in the Lectionary. Jesus’s commendation of course contains an...
Homily for the 28th Sunday, Year 2024
Readings: Wisdom 7:7-11; Hebrews 4:12-13; Mark 10:17-30
Theme: True Wisdom
A few days ago I had an interesting conversation with a friend about an underrated...
OCTOBER 2024 | For a shared mission
This month Pope Francis asks up to pray that the Church continues to sustain a synodal lifestyle in every way, as a sign of...
Welcome to this edition of SMA International News For the Month of October 2024.
In this edition we hear about a recent event in Côte d'Ivoire. ...
SMA PARISH WILTON – Support for the Trócaire Gaza Appeal
On Sunday 8 September, the Annual International Fun Day took place in St Joseph’s Parish Wilton. It was a day to celebrate the international,...
RECRUITMENT: Director SMA Dromantine Retreat & Conference Centre
The Society of African Missions is seeking to recruit a Director to will lead and manage all business operations and hospitality services within the...
Homily for the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2024
Readings: Genesis 2:18-24; Hebrews 2:9-11; Mark 10:2-16
Theme: Married Love
Our readings today invite us to reflect on the theme of married love. The first...
God walks with his people
Dear brothers and sisters!
Last 29 October marked the conclusion of the First Session of the XVI Ordinary General...
Presentation of the Holy Father’s Message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees...
Tomorrow is World Day of Migrants and Refugees a day that celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee...
NOVENA in honour of St Threrese – join Ceremonies from Dromantine and...
Monday September 23rd to Tuesday 1st of October.
Ceremonies are taking place at SMA House Dromantine, County Down and at the SMA Parish, Blackrock...
Homily for the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B
Theme: Anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name ...will certainly not lose their reward.
Readings: 11:25-29; James 5:1-6; Mark 9:...
Fr Jeremiah MORAN SMA – Martyr of Evangelization
This article was written by Fr Basil Soyoye, a Nigerian SMA Missionary now based in Castelnaudary, France. It tells the story of one of...
Homily for the 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B
Readings: Wis 2:12,17-20; James 3:16 – 4:3; Mk 9:30-37
Theme: True Greatness
The theme of today’s readings might be summed up in these words of...
“Diversity is a great wealth”: a missionary leaving for a new experience of faith
Below is an article first published by Agenzia Fides and written by Anselmo Fabiano an SMA Seminarian from Italy. On the 25th of June...
Reflection for the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross: Sat Sept 14...
Numbers 21:4-9, Philippians 2:6-11, Ps. 77:1-2, 34-38, John 3:13-17
When you enter through the North door the ground falling away before you as you face...
National Novena in honour of St Thérèse of the Child Jesus 2024
The Novena at St Joseph’s Church Blackrock Road, Cork, takes place from Monday September 23rd to Tuesday 1st of October.
Mass will be at...
Homily for the 24th Sunday of Ordinary time, Year B
Readings: Is 50:5-9; James 2:14-18; Mk 8:27-35
Theme: The true Identity and Mission of Jesus
Caesarea Philippi, the setting of today’s gospel is located on...
SEPTEMBER 2024 | For the cry of the earth.
The Prayer intention for September coincides with the Season of Creation. Pope Francis invites us to pray for the care of the planet and...
Homily for the 23rd Sunday, Year B
Readings: Isaiah 35:4-7, James 2:1-5 and Mark 7:31-37.
In the gospel today Jesus meets a man who is deaf and also has a speech impediment....
SEASON OF CREATION 2024 – Explainer and Events.
“Each year from September 1 to October 4, the Christian family unites for this worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common...
This month we go to Ivory Coast to hear about training of young people, aged between 8 and 16, in the values of peace...
“Hope and Act with Creation” is the theme of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on 1 September 2024. The...
Reflection on Readings for Sat 31 August 2024 – Fr Kevin O’Gorman SMA
Readings: 1Cor 1:26-31; Ps 32: 12-13, 18-21; Matt 25:14-30.
We have a wonderful seam of spirituality in today’s selection of scriptural readings. Paul, the master...
Homily for the 22nd Sunday, Year B
Readings: Deut 4:1-2,6-8; James 1;17-18,21-22,27; Mk 7:1-8,14-15,21-23
Theme: Be doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves
Today’s first reading is taken from...
Caring for the wonders of Creation – in Wilton Parish
Even though it has not been a great summer life goes one and much is happening, even though we may not notice. As we...
Homily for 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024, Year B
Readings: Joshua 24:1-2, 15-17, 18; Ephesians 5:21-32; John 6:60-69
Theme: Lord, to Whom shall we go?
In today’s Gospel we are being asked to make a...
A new Resource page on Synodality
Over the last year Fr Michael McCabe SMA has written and published a series of thee articles on the topic of Synodality. These were...
AFRICA/ANGOLA – Father Avò’s mission: to find people as Jesus found them, even in...
This article was first published by Agenzia Fides in July 2024
"Without catechists, nothing can be done here," says Father Renzo Adorni, a missionary in...
My First Missionary Experience as an SMA Priest
Over the last month three articles, written by SMA Seminarians at various stages in their training, were published. This time, in the last of...
Homily for the 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B, 2024
Readings: Proverbs 9:1-6; Ephesians 5:15-20; John 6:51-58
Theme: The life-giving bread of Jesus
Today’s gospel reading continues where last Sunday’s ended with Jesus identifying himself...
Irish Ambassador to Nigeria visits SMA House Blackrock Road
On 31 July 2024 the Irish Ambassador to Nigeria, Peter Ryan and his wife Teresa, made a visit to the SMA Community in Blackrock...
Reflection on Readings for Sat 10 August 2024 – Fr Kevin O’Gorman SMA
Readings: 2 Cor 9:6-10 Ps 111 John 12:24-26
We have heard a lot already – and will hear a lot more in the months and...
My Journey to the SMA – FVC Newsletter 2024
This is the third article in this series about SMA Seminarians that was first published in the recent edition of the Family Vocations Community...
Homily for the 19th Sunday, Ordinary time Year B, 2024
Readings: I Kings 19:4-8; Ephesians 4:30 – 5:2; John 6:41-51
Theme: Food for the Journey of Life
We normally think of the prophets as strong,...
Welcome to this new edition of our SMA News for this month of August 2024. In this edition we go to Poland where a...
AUGUST 2024 | For political leaders
Let us pray that political leaders be at the service of their own people, working for integral human development and the common good, taking...
CHAINS, DESERT AND FREEDOM- An interview with Fr. Luigi Maccalli SMA
The 17th September, 2018 is a day that Fr Luigi Maccalli SMA will never forget. On that evening, a gang of armed mujahidin kidnapped...
My experience so far – FVC Newsletter 2024
This is the second in a series of short articles written by SMA Seminarians in Africa published in the 2024 Family Vocations Community Newsletter...
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 2024
Each year on 30 July, we observe World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. This year’s theme is
“Leave No Child Behind* in the Fight...
AFRICAN DEMOCRACY – Afrobarometer Report
The Executive Summary of the report "African insights 2024, Democracy at risk - the people's perspective" is reproduced below. Researched and published by the...
Life as a Seminarian – FVC Newsletter Summer 2024
Over the next few weeks we will publish a series of articles that give an insight into the lives of SMA Seminarians undergoing formation...
Homily for the 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2024
Readings: 2 Kings 4: 42-44; Ephesians 4:1-6; John 6:1-15
Theme: Bread, blessed, broken and shared for the life of the world
While on a sabbatical...
GHANA – “Pilgrims of Hope”: campaign by men and women religious for the protection...
Hundreds of Consecrated men and women crossed the streets of the main cities of Ghana such as Accra, Kumasi, Cape Coast, Takoradi, Sunyani, Damongo,...
Hotspot West Africa – Conflicts and Interventions
The article below was published by AEFJN Brussels in the AEFJN Echo of June 2024. It gives some interesting perspectives on changes that have...
Discussing the 2024 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report
For the third year running the SMA and OLA Justice and Communications Offices have, within ten days of its publication, collaborated in organising an...
Father Peter Thompson, SMA [RIP]
It is with feelings of deep sorrow that we announce the death of our dear confrere
Father Peter Thompson, SMA. Born in the Archdiocese of...
JUNE 2024 | For the pastoral care of the sick
Let us pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick grant the Lord’s strength to those who receive it and to their...
Twenty-Nine New SMA Members
For the more than four hundred SMA Students, at various stages in their journey to priesthood, May and June are a particularly busy time...
Welcome to the latest edition of SMA International News for the month of July.
In this edition we will go to Sierra Leone for an...
The SMA and the OLA Justice Offices were instrumental in re-establishing a branch of the AEFJN in Ireland and for the last three years...
The 165th Anniversary of the SMA Founders Death
Today, 25th of June members of the Society of African Missions all around the world mark the 165th Anniversary of the death of the...
Strengthening the Culture of Democracy through Values
The Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) is composed of the Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of all Member States of the...
WORLD REFUGEE DAY – 20 June 2024
World Refugee Day, observed annually on 20 June, honours the strength and resilience of those who have been forced to flee their homes due...
Flowers from Africa
Below is text from a Background Paper published by the German Network Africa which is affiliated to the Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network...
Answer to a Prayer
Setting out to complete a long-held dream to canoe around Ireland Fr Michael O’Shea made good headway until he was crossing Dundalk Bay. Then...
The Wreck of the California – looking back on a Missionary’s Journey during World...
This article was recently re-published in the African Missionary Magazine, No 43, Spring – summer 2024. It is an edited version of an account...
JUNE 2024 | For those fleeing their own countries
Let us pray that migrants fleeing from war or hunger, forced to undertake journeys fraught with danger and violence, may find welcome and new...
Reflection for the Immaculate heart of Mary, 8th June – Fr Kevin O’Gorman
Six months from now we will hopefully gather to celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a special day...
Together, we are stronger
At a time when we hear much about a vocal right wing anti-immigrant movement in Ireland we are delighted to bring you this short...
SMA International News – June 2024
Welcome to this edition of our international news which comes from Knock in County Mayo, Ireland. The SMA pilgrimage to Knock has been one of...
When the Founder’s village becomes a mission land
This article was first published in the African Missionary Magazine, No 43, Spring - summer 2024. The image on the left is a composite...
Reflection on Readings for Sat 1st June 2024 – Fr Kevin O’Gorman SMA
First Reading: Jude 1: 17, 20b-25
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 63: 2, 3-4, 5-6
Alleluia: Colossians 3: 16a, 17c
Gospel: Mark 11: 27-33
In today’s reading from his Gospel Mark summarizes the conflict...
Fr Fionnbarra Ó’Cuilleanáin SMA [RIP]
It is with feelings of deep sorrow that we announce the death of our dear confrere Father Fionnbarra Ó’Cuilleanáin, SMA.
His Funeral Mass will take...
SMA Preparatory Programme in Tanzania
This article was first published in the Spring/Summer edition of the African Missionary Magazine 2024. Below is a Gallery...
MASS FROM KNOCK SHRINE – marking the close of the annual SMA Novena to...
This year we celebrate the 44th National SMA Pilgrimage and Novena of Prayer to Our Lady of Knock. The Novena ends today at 3pm...
Homily for the Funeral of Fr Tom Harlow – Wilton May 17th 2024.
Fr Tom Harlow SMA was in failing health for the past few years. He died peacefully in the Bon Secours Hospital, Cork on 15...
Visit of Emir Sanusi of Nigeria to SMA House Blackrock Road – VIDEO
On the evening of May 15th, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, the 14th Emir of Kano, Nigeria visited SMA House Blackrock Rd. During the visit he...
April 2024 | For the formation of men and women religious, and seminarians
Let us pray that men and women religious, and seminarians, grow in their own vocational journey through human, pastoral, spiritual and community formation, that...
IMMIGRATION – in context
In recent times much of our media coverage has been taken up with reports on anti-immigrant protests that are being manipulated and promoted by...
Reflection for Ascension 2024
In their Gospels Luke and John adopt two very different approaches, the one narrative, the other philosophical (before theology became a title in its...
Sacred Earth: Interfaith Gathering at Ardfoyle
On Saturday 27th of April an event organised by the OLA and SMA Justice Offices in collaboration with Cork Three Faiths Forum took place...
SMA International News – May 2024
Welcome to the May edition of SMA International News. This month our news story comes from Accra, Ghana.
In 2022, amidst a world cautiously emerging...
A Reflection on the Readings of Saturday 4th May 2024 – Kevin O’Gorman SMA
Today’s readings from Acts and the Psalm are very positive and upbeat. Paul and Timothy travel teaching leaving local churches to live in peace...
“Sewing” Justice: A Theological Response to Garment Worker Exploitation
In the past the SMA Justice Office has focused on the issues of fast fashion and the abuse of human rights in supply chains,...
Reflection for Saturday – Fourth Week of Easter – 27th April 2024
Yesterday’s Gospel reading, also from John, gave us the declaration of Jesus ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life’. Today’s Gospel ends...
- A billion plastic beverage containers were sold last year in the United States.
- None of them will be made into new plastic bottles.
Pope Francis’ Vision of a Synodal Church
Below is the third in a series of reflections written by Fr Micheal McCabe SMA on synodality. Links to the previous two at given...
Christianity in Dialogue with Islam and African Traditional Religion: Challenges and Opportunities.
Below is Communiqué of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue dated 11.04.2024. It was issued after a workshop held in Nairobi Kenya. The full text...
SMA Ordinations – 12 April 2024
Today the 12th of April six young SMA's have been ordained at the Church of Sts John and Sylvia in the Diocese of Ngong...
SMA International News – April 2024
Welcome to SMA International News For the Month of April.
In this edition we are happy to feature the work of the SMA in the District...
Funeral Homily for the late Fr Valentine [Val] Hynes, SMA
Fr Val Hynes, SMA, , died peacefully on the afternoon of Friday, 15 March 2024, at St Theresa’s Nursing Unit, African Missions, Blackrock Road,...
Easter Sunday 2024 – Exploring Easter as Event, Encounter, Evangelisation
It is essential to establish Easter as an event. This emerges in the Gospels themselves when details of the burial of Jesus are recounted...
Good Friday 2024
A Reflection on Good Friday by Fr Kevin O'Gorman SMA
Today’s liturgy is simple, even stark. The altar is stripped, the tabernacle left open. There...
Lenten Reflection – Fr Pat Kelly SMA
In this, the final video Reflection of this series, Fr Pat Kelly reflects on a Palm Sunday procession in the Holy Land that he...
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on the day the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and...
Lenten Reflection – Fr Des Corrigan SMA
This Reflection in this Lenten series comes from Fr Des Corrigan SMA.
Recorded two years ago, in this reflection Fr Des gives and overview...
Fr Valentine [Val] Hynes, SMA [RIP]
Fr Val Hynes, SMA, died peacefully in the St Theresa's Nursing Unit at the SMA House, African Missions, Blackrock Road, Cork, Ireland on Friday...
A Short Prayer for Sunday
This is the seventh and last in a series of short prayers, one for each day of the week, recorded by Parishioners from SMA...
A Short Prayer for Saturday
This is the sixth in a series of short prayers, one for each day of the week, recorded by Parishioners from SMA Parish Wilton,...
A Short Prayer for Friday
This is the fifth in a series of short prayers, one for each day of the week, recorded by Parishioners from SMA Parish Wilton,...
A Short Prayer for Thursday
This is the fourth in a series of short prayers, one for each day of the week, recorded by Parishioners from SMA Parish Wilton,...
A Short Prayer for Wednesday
This is the third in a series of short prayers, one for each day of the week, recorded by Parishioners from SMA Parish Wilton,...
Fr Seamus Nohilly SMA – Funeral Homily
Fr Seamus Nohilly died on Saturday, 24 February 2024, in the Mercy University Hospital, Cork City. After reposing in the SMA House, Wilton, on...
A Short Prayer for Tuesday
This is the second in a series of short prayers, one for each day of the week, recorded by Parishioners from SMA Parish Wilton,...
A Short Prayer for Monday
This is the first in a series of short prayers, just about thirty seconds, one each day in this week of Lent. They were...
Fr Cornelius Murphy SMA – Funeral Homily
Fr Con Murphy died unexpectedly in the SMA House, African Missions, Blackrock Road, Cork on Thursday, 8 February 2024. After reposing in the SMA...
A LENTEN REFLECTION – from Fr Gus O’Driscoll SMA
This the fourth in our series of Lenten Reflections comes from Fr Gus O Driscoll SMA.
Lent for him is a time to live...
MARCH 2024 | For the martyrs of our day, witnesses to Christ
“The martyrs are a sign that we’re on the right path”
In this video message from Pope Francis he requests prayers for the new martyrs...
On the second day of the 2024 Spring General Meeting of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference in Maynooth, the bishops called for an urgent...
SMA International News – March 2024
Welcome to the SMA International News for March 2024. This month our news bulletin is shorter than usual and concerns three events associated with...
Synodality: What’s it all About? – by Michael McCabe SMA
Just as the concept of ‘inculturation’ suddenly appeared on the horizon of ecclesial discourse about fifty years ago, so the concept of ‘synodality’ has...
This week's Reflection is from Fr Colm Nilan SMA who lives in the SMA Community in Claregalway, Ireland.
Lent is a time of preparation, of...
Fr Seamus Nohilly SMA [RIP]
The members of the Society of African Missions are mourning the unexpected death of their confrere, Fr Seamus Nohilly, who died peacefully in...
Lenten Reflection – Fr John Denvir SMA
In this, the second in our series of Lenten Reflections, Fr John Denvir SMA reflects on his favourite colour - Purple. He considers the...
Visitors to Dromantine are invariably impressed by the stunning beauty of the early 19th century house, extensive grounds, lake, colourful woodlands and pleasant walks...
Today Ash Wednesday, and also St Valentine's Day, we bring you the first in a series of reflections and short videos that will be...
Living Lent
The cornerstone of Lent is the call to conversion which commences on Ash Wednesday. Sometimes the impression is given that such conversion is change...
FEBRUARY 2024 | For the terminally ill
Pope Francis asks that the terminally ill and their families be cared for and assisted
The Pope Video for February, the month in which the Church...
Fr Cornelius [Con] Murphy SMA [RIP]
The members of the Society of African Missions are mourning the death of Fr Con Murphy, SMA. Fr Con died unexpectedly at the African...
Join with the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking – Feast...
The Church's International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking takes place every year on February 8th, which is also the feast day...
Fr Frank Coltsmann, SMA [RIP]
The death has taken place on Saturday, 3 February 2024, of Fr Frank Coltsmann, SMA. Fr Frank died peacefully in the St Theresa's Nursing...
SMA International News – February 2024
Welcome to the SMA International News for February 2024. As usual we have three reports from SMA's and OLA's around the world.
1 – From...
Towards a Synodal Church in Mission
A brief look at the Synthesis Report of the First Universal Session of the Synod on Synodality by Michael McCabe SMA
The first universal session...
Lourdes Novena: 3-11 February 2024
Saturday 3rd to Sunday 11th February 2024, we join in a Novena of Prayer to Mary, under the title of Our Lady of Lourdes.
SMA Zambia Golden Jubilee Celebration
Last December the Divine Mercy Parish, Ndola, Zambia was the venue for a celebration marking the 50th Anniversary of the arrival of Irish SMA's...
Prayer for Christian Unity 2024 – Reflection for Saturday 20th January
This reflection is based on the Mass readings for Saturday 20th January.
In the week of Prayer for Christian Unity today’s readings are – to...
Not a moment to waste
A recent report by George Lee, for RTE News, speaking about the latest information form the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service makes for grim...
SMA International News – January 2024
Welcome to the first Bulletin of the SMA International News for 2024. Our thanks to all who have contributed to making these over the...
EPIPHANY 2023 – Wilton
The Feast of Epiphany brings to an end the Nativity narrative – set in Bethlehem – by the entry of the three Wise Men...
JANUARY 2024 | For the gift of diversity in the Church
In this the first Pope's Prayer intention for 2024, Pope Francis asks us to pray for "the gift of diversity in the Church.
We are...
Below is the text of Pope Francis's message for World Day of Peace. The theme is Artificial Intelligence, a topic we have all heard...
Christmas is the night of joy and liberation from slavery: missionaries urge the faithful...
"Instead of working only on setting up the physical nativity scene, we insisted on building the interior nativity scene, the nativity scene of our...
A Christmas Meditation
‘The image sticks in the mind. A young woman, her heavily pregnant belly heaving, as she is carried on a stretcher away from a...
DECEMBER 2023| For those with disabilities
Pope Francis asks the Church and civil institutions to embrace inclusion and to foster the active participation of people with disabilities
Pope Francis asks for prayers...
Reflection for the last week of Advent – Fr Seamus Nohilly SMA
For the past three weeks we have brought you Reflections from SMA Fathers focusing on different aspects of our faith and Christian living as...
“Transition away from” – COP28 from the perspective of Laudate Deum
The 11th hour inclusion of the phrase “Transition away from” fossil fuels marked the end of COP28. This, statement hailed by some as “historic”...
Each week until Christmas a short video reflection on the Season of Advent will be published on this website. Each reflection has been recorded...
Each week until Christmas a short video reflection on the Season of Advent will be published on this website. Each reflection has been recorded...
A Reflection based on the Readings for Saturday, 9th December 2023
Isaiah 30:19-21, 23-26 Matthew 9:35 – 10: 1,5,6-8
Matthew’s preferred image for Jesus is that of teacher. This is most evident in the Sermon on...
Pope Francis to COP28: ‘Choose life, choose the future!’
Below is the message of Pope Francis to COP28 that was delivered by Cardinal Parolin on his behalf. This powerful and hard hitting message...
SMA International News – December 23
Welcome to the final edition of the SMA International News for 2023. We round of this year with reports from:
Zambia - we preview the...
Each week until Christmas a short video reflection on the Season of Advent will be published on this website. Each reflection has been recorded...
The Season of Advent
Halloween is barely over when Advent arrives, at least in the shops and magazines. The secular appropriation of the season is commercial, concentrated on...
COP28 and Laudate Deum
COP stands for "conference of the parties", with parties being the 197 countries that have signed up to the UN climate treaty (UNFCCC) to...
Laudate Deum”: a call to respond to the Climate Crisis
In October 2023 Pope Francis published this Apostolic Exhortation in which he develops themes expressed in his 2015 encyclical, Laudato Si’ Its opening paragraphs...
Respect for Mother Earth and harmony between peoples in the life of a missionary
You can see many two-story fortified houses scattered in the meadows, in the forests, and on the hills of Benin Republic and Togo. This...
NOVEMBER 2023| For the Pope
Francis opens his heart and asks for prayer to fulfill his mission
In his video for November, Francis reveals that “being Pope is also a process”...
SMA International News – November 23
Welcome to the SMA International News Bulletin for or the Month of November.
In this edition we have stories from:
ROME - Where we hear of...
The Good Shepherd
Based on the reading for Saturday 4th November 2023 - Memorial of Saint Charles Borromeo: Romans 12:3-13:2; John 10:11-16.)
A couple of years ago a...
Going Forwards…
Based on the Mass Readings for Saturday, 28th October, 2023
Feast of Saints Simon and Jude (Readings: Eph 2:19-22; Luke 6:12-19)
Today is the last working...
Moving tribute from a new bishop to his father
Bishop-elect Gerald Mamman Musa, the first Hausa-speaking Nigerian to be appointed bishop in Nigeria, thanks his late catechist-father for instilling in him a passion...
Mission Saturday – A reflection for the Month of Mission 2023
Based on the Mass readings for Saturday 21st October 2023
Jesus does not usually call attention to himself in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke...