34th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020 – Year A – Christ the King

22 November 2020

Ezekiel: 34:11-12
1 Corinthians 15:20-26,28
Matthew 25:31-46

Today we celebrate the feast of Christ the King.

When we think of kings we think of people a bit remote, similar to many celebrities today.  These are well guarded and normally kept a bit away from people. But Christ is not like that. He lives among us and came not to dominate or to rule but to serve and be a close friend to us. The best way to show our loyalty to him is by serving one another.

The essential message of the Gospel is that practical service to the least of our sisters and brothers will be the measure by which we will be judged. Ordinary acts of kindness, courtesy and good manners are very important. The Gospel is basically about God’s kingdom values.

We must be careful in taking the Gospel too literally as if it were only about being kind to the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the sick and so on. Every small action done in love is also important to whomsoever is in need.

The central theme of the Gospel is a reflection on how daily living should be influenced by loving service.  This means that as people go about their everyday business their words and actions should show to others the difference that it makes to be followers of Jesus. Words alone cannot change the world, but the smallest of actions, done by countless people, can transform the human family.

– edited from a homily of the late Fr Jim Kirstein SMA

Click on the play button below to listen to an alternative homily from Fr Tom Casey SMA

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