Sunday Homilies

There are several seasons during the Liturgical Year: AdventChristmas, Lent and Easter. For the other Sundays of the year we celebrate Ordinary Time.
As Christians – followers of Christ through our Baptism – we are called on to make Christ present in our own lives and in the lives of others. As we read the Sacred Scripture during the different seasons of the Liturgical Year may we pray in our hearts:
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love.


5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2014 – Year A

9 February 2014 Isaiah 58:7-101 Cor 2:1-5Matthew 5:13-16 A certain man was invited by his friends to a local restaurant for a meal. After...

Christmas Day Mass 2013

  Isaiah 9:1-6Titus 2:11-14Luke 2:1-14 A certain couple decided to have a party just before Christmas to celebrate the 80th birthday of the husband’s father....

4th Sunday of Advent 2013

22 December 2013 Isaiah 7.10-14Romans 1.1-7Matthew 1.18-24 Some time ago I was invited to the 40th wedding anniversary of a couple I know quite...

3rd Sunday of Advent 2013

15 December 2013 Isaiah 35.1-6,10James 5.7-10Matthew 11.2-11 A 25-year-old young woman was explaining to her cousin about her relationship with her boyfriend Marco. She...

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C

3 November 2013 Wisdom 11.22-12.22 Thessalonians 1.11-2.2Luke 19.1-10 Once I met a woman called Matilda who belonged to a prayer group. She told me...

Feast of the Assumption 2013 – Year C

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God 15 August 2013 Revelation 11:19, 12:1- 6, 101 Cor 15:20-26Luke 1.39-56 Two missionary priests...

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2013 – Year C

4 August 2013 Ecclesiastes 1:2, 2:21-23Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11Luke 12.13-21 Some time ago I met a friend who works as a stockbroker. On the...

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2013 – Year C

28 July 2013 Genesis 18: 20-32Colossians 2:12-14Luke 11:1-13 One day in a supermarket I witnessed a small 6-year-old boy persistently calling his father: ‘Daddy,...

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2013 – Year C

21 July 2013 Genesis 18:1-10Colossians 1:24-28Luke 10:38–42 One night in a big town where I worked in the North of Nigeria I decided to...

Body & Blood of Christ 2013

2 June 2013 Genesis 14:8-201 Corinthians 11:23-26Luke 9: 11-17   One time I remember visiting a bush village in Africa. It was a very poor...

Trinity Sunday 2013 – Year C

The HOLY TRINITY26 May 2013 Proverbs 8.22-31Romans 5.1-5John 16.12-15 Recently I was at a meeting during which one woman said to another, ‘After all...

6th Sunday of Easter 2013 – Year C

5 May 2013 Acts 15.1-2, 22-29Revelation 21.10-14, 22-23John 14.23-29 A certain couple had 5 children and the dream of the parents for them...

5th Sunday of Easter 2013 – Year C

28 April 2013 Acts 14.21- 27Revelation 21.1-5John 13.31-35 Mark was a young man of 25 who had been working in an office...

4th Sunday of Easter 2013 – Year C

21 April 2013 Acts 13:14, 43-52Revelation 7:9, 14-17John 10. 27- 30 A certain young man was studying at the university as he...

3rd Sunday of Easter 2013 – Year C

14 April 2013  Acts 5.27- 32, 40- 41Revelation 5.11-14John 21.1-19 A certain businessman would travel abroad from time to time on company business...

2nd Sunday of Easter 2013 – Year C

7 April 2013 Acts 5:12-16Revelation 1: 9-13, 17-19John 20.19- 31   A certain man in his late thirties had had many girlfriends but he...

Ascension of the Lord 2013 – Year C

12 May 2013  Acts 1.1-11Ephesians 1.17-23Luke 24. 46-53 A certain man was telling his friend that his wife whom he loved had many marvelous...

Pentecost Sunday 2013 – Year C

19 May 2013 – Pentecost Sunday Acts 2:1-111 Cor 12:3-7, 12-13John 20:19-23 Some years ago I met a doctor friend of mine. He...

Easter Sunday 2013 – Year C

31 March 2013 – Easter Sunday Acts 10:34, 37-43Colossians 3:1-4John 20:1-9 Many years ago I knew a young married couple, very happily married. Then...

Palm Sunday 2013 – Year C

24 March – Palm Sunday - 2013 Isaiah 50:4-7Philippians 2;6-11Luke 22:14–23, 56 When I worked in Nigeria many years ago several times each week...

5th Sunday of Lent 2013 – St Patrick’s Day

17 March 2013 – St Patrick’s Day   Isaiah 43.16-21 Philippians 3.8-14 John 8.1-11 Once I met a woman who told me that the...

4th Sunday of Lent 2013 – Year C

10 March 2013 Joshua 5:9-122 Cor 5:17-21Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 There is a widow, who lives not too far from us who has...

3rd Sunday of Lent 2013 – Year C

3 March 2013 Exodus 3.1-8,13-151 Cor 10.1-6,10-12Luke 13.1-9 Some time ago a woman said to her friend that she felt God was punishing...

2nd Sunday of Lent 2013 – Year C

24 February 2013 Genesis 15. 5-12, 17-18Philippians 3.17 – 4.1Luke 9.28-36 Some time ago an elderly man was telling me that when...

1st Sunday of Lent 2013 – Year C

17 February 2013   Deuteronomy 26.4-10Romans 10.8-13Luke 4.1-13   A young Irishwoman I know had a very good job with a large company. She...

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2013 – Year C

10 February 2013   Isaiah 6.1-2, 3-81 Cor 15.1-11Luke 5.1-11   A certain man was told by the General Manager of a big company...

Baptism of the Lord – Year C – 2013

13 January 2013 Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 Some Christian traditions finish their 'Christmas season' with the Feast of the Epiphany (6 January). We in...

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2013 – Year C

3 February 2013 Jeremiah 1.4-5,17-191 Cor 12.31-13.13Luke 4.21- 30  A young woman had been with her boyfriend for some years and then one day...

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2013 – Year C

27 January 2013 Nehemiah 8.2-6,8-101 Cor 12.12-30Luke 1.1-4,4.14-21 Some years ago I was travelling by plane from Ireland to England. Next to me was...

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2013 – Year C

20 January 2013 Isaiah 62.1-51 Cor 12.4-11John 2.1-11 Some time ago I celebrated the wedding Mass of a young couple, friends of mine. Both...

Feast of the Epiphany 2013 – Year C

6 January 2013 A Light for All  Isaiah 60:1-6Ephesians 3:2-3; 5-6Mt 2:1-12 Some years ago there was a missionary priest I knew who was...

Christmas Mass during the day – Year C – 2012

25 December - Mass during the day Isaiah 52.7-10Hebrews 1.1-6John 1.1-5, 9-14   A teacher decided to take her class of 10 year olds...

Christmas Dawn Mass – Year C – 2012

25 December 2012 - Dawn Mass Isaiah 62:11-12Titus 3:4-7Luke 2:15-20 Some years ago I was visiting my sister and she was very busy trying...

Christmas Midnight Mass – Year C – 2012

25 December – Midnight Mass Joy for all the people  Isaiah 9.1-6Titus 2.11-14Luke 2.1-14 A young couple got married 10 years ago. They came...

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year B

11 November 2012 1 Kings 17.10-16Hebrews 9.24-28Mark 12.38-44 In a certain country an election was due to take place and the candidates were...

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

28 October 2012 Jeremiah 31.7-9Hebrew 5.1-6Mark 10.46-52 A man died and in his will he donated his eyes to his wife. Due to...

All Saints 2012

SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS Sr Philomena McGuinness SSL shares some thoughts on the Feast of All Saints and the readings chosen for the Mass...

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

7 October 2012 Genesis 2:18-24Hebrews 2:9-11Mark 10:2-16 Once I worked in a certain African country. In a rather remote area we had a small...

Pentecost Sunday 2012 – Year B

27 May 2012 Acts 2:1-11 1 Cor 12:3-7,12-13 John 20:19-23 Two years ago I met a man who had just returned from England...

Ascension of the Lord 2012 – Year B

20 May 2012 Acts 1.1-11Ephesians 1.17-23Mark 16.15-20 A couple were married for over 50 years when the husband died after a short illness. Like...

6th Sunday of Easter 2012

13 May 2012 Acts 10.25-26, 34-35, 44-481 John 4.7-10John 15:9-17   A young man got married and he asked his wife if they could...

5th Sunday of Easter 2012

5 May 2012   Acts 9:26-311 John 3:18-24John 15:1-8  A certain young man in his twenties had got into bad company. Soon he was...

4th Sunday of Easter 2012

29 April 2012 Acts 4:8-121 John 3:1-2John 10:11-18   Some time ago I was at a wedding and at the meal afterwards, there was...

3rd Sunday of Easter 2012

22 April 2012 Acts 3:13-15, 17-191 John 2:1-5Luke 24:35-48   Many years ago when I was a seminarian I went for a swim. In...

Easter Sunday 2012 – Year B

Easter Sunday – 8 April 2012 Acts 10:34, 37-43Colossians 3:1-4John 20:1-9   Many years ago I knew a young married couple, very happily married....
gbarnga last supper

Holy Thursday 2012 – Year B

Holy Thursday – 5 April 2012Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper Exodus 12:1-8, 11-141 Cor 11:23-26John 13:1-15   In a recent television interview...

Palm Sunday 2012

PALM (PASSION) SUNDAY – 1 April 2012 Isaiah 50:4-7 Philippians 2:6-11 Mark 14:1-15, 47 Many years ago a famous artist wanted to paint a...

5th Sunday of Lent 2012

25 March 2012  Jeremiah 31:31-34Hebrews 5:7-9John 12;20 –33   Some years ago the late pop idol Michael Jackson came to Ireland to give a...

4th Sunday of Lent 2012

18 March 2012 2 Chronicles 36: 14-16, 19-21Ephesians 2:4-10John 3:14-21 The husband of a certain woman was killed unexpectedly in a car crash and...

2nd Sunday of Lent 2012

4 March 2012   Genesis 22:1-2, 9, 15-18Romans 8:31-34Mark 9:2-10 Some time ago a woman was talking to a priest and said that 8...

1st Sunday of Lent 2012

25 February 2012 Genesis 9: 8 – 151 Peter 3:18 – 22Mark 1:12 – 15 Some time ago a businessman went to a psychologist. ...

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2012

19 February 2012 Isaiah 43.18-19,21-22,24-252 Cor 1.18-22Mark 2.1-12  Recently I visited a friend of mine who has been sick for quite a time. His...

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2012

29 January 2012 Deut 18: 15-201 Cor 7:32-35Mark 1: 21-28   Some years ago I was visiting someone sick in hospital. After the visit...

Baptism of the Lord 2012

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord 2012   Isaiah 55:1-11Acts 10:34-38Mark 1:6-11   A well known speaker started a seminar participated in by...

Feast of the Epiphany 2012 – Year B

EPIPHANY of the LORD 2012 Isaiah 60.1-6Ephesians 3.2-3, 5-6Matt. 2:1-12 During my years in Nigeria, an SMA colleague, who was an expert on African...

4th Sunday of Advent 2011

18 December 2011 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-11,16Romans 16:25-27Luke 1:26-38 There is a wonderful story of a four year old child. On reaching her fourth...

3rd Sunday of Advent 2011

11 December 2011  Isaiah 61:1-2, 10-111 Thessalonians 5:16-24John 1.6-8, 19-28 The Guru or Indian holy man was meditating in his cave in the mountains...

2nd Sunday of Advent 2011

4 December 2011 Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-112 Peter 3:8-14Mark 1:1-8 A young woman in her mid twenties went regularly to visit her old aunt. Because...

1st Sunday of Advent 2011

27 November 2011 Isaiah 63:16 – 17 &19, 64:2 – 71 Cor 1:3 – 9Mark 13:33 – 37 One night Jesus appeared in a...

34th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

CHRIST the KING 2011  Ezekiel 34: 11-12, 15-171 Cor 15: 20-26, 28Matthew 25 31-46 In a certain country many hundreds of years ago the...

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

13 November 2011 Proverbs 31.10-13,19-20,30-311 Thessalonians 5.1-6Matthew 25.14-30 A young priest of my own Society, the Society of African Missions, shortly after arriving in...

Mission Sunday 2011

Mission Sunday 2011 Today we are invited to think about the missionary work of the Church. In fact, if the Church is not acting...

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

16 October 2011  Isaiah 45.1, 4-61 Thessalonians 1.1-5Matthew 22.15-21 One time I was driving a friend of mine to the airport. I jokingly asked...

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

9 October 2011  Isaiah 25.6-10Philippians 4.12-14, 19-20Matthew 22.1-14 A married couple received an invitation to attend the birthday celebrations of the wife’s brother who...

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

2 October 2011 Isaiah 5.1-7Philippians 4.6-9Matthew 21.33-43 Recently a certain man was bitterly complaining to his friend that the government had made a court...

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

25 September 2011 Ezekiel 18.25-28Philippians 2.1-11Matthew 21.28-32 A young priest was appointed to a certain parish. He spoke to the parishioners about his desire...

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

18 September 2011 Isaiah 55.6-9Philippians 1:20-24, 27Matthew 20.1-16 Once there was a certain woman who complained to her brother that she felt that her...

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

28 August 2011 Jeremiah 20:7-9Romans 12:1-2Matthew 16:21-27 During the Liberian Civil war one of our SMA missionaries was kidnapped. For some time we did...

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

21 August 2011 Isaiah 22:19 - 23Romans 11:33 - 36Matthew 16:13 - 20 “Who do you say I am ?”... We know Peter’s inspirational...

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

14 August 2011 Isaiah 56:1, 6-7Romans 11:13-15, 29-32Matthew 15:21-28 An Invitation...           ... to strangers...                     ... can do marvels... This Gospel story can make us...

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

31 July 2011 Isaiah 55:1-3Romans 8:35, 37-39Matthew  14:13-21 As much as they wanted These times I find myself listening to news, reading about it...

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

24 July 2011  1 Kings 3:5-12Romans 8:28-30Matthew 13:44-52 Near to where I lived in Cork an old man was dying. He had been a...

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

17 July 2011 Wisdom 12:13, 16-19Romans 8:26-27Matthew 13:24-43 A certain boy started Secondary School. He was quite intelligent as well as being good at...

Pentecost Sunday 2011

Reflection for Pentecost Sunday 2011 by Fr Pat Kelly SMA   Readings for Pentecost Sunday (A)11 May 2008 Acts 2:1-11Psalm 1031 Corinthians 12:3-7,...

Ascension of the Lord 2011

5 June 2011 Acts 1:1-11Eph 1:17-23Mt 28:16 -20 A few years a certain man was driving along in his car and suddenly another car...

6th Sunday of Easter 2011

29 May 2011 Readings for 6th Sunday of Easter (A)   Acts 8:5-8Psalm 651 Peter 3:15-18John 14: 15 - 21...

4th Sunday of Easter 2011 – Vocations Sunday

15 May 2011 Acts of Apostles 2:14, 36-411 Peter 2:20-25John 10:1-10 A certain young woman in her early thirties was a very fearful person....

3rd Sunday of Easter 2011

8 May 2011 Acts of Apostles 2:14, 22-281 Peter 1:17-21Luke 24: 13-35 Some time ago I was visiting a family and one morning the...

2nd Sunday of Easter 2011

1 May 2011 Acts of Apostles 2.42-471 Peter 1.3-9John 20.19-31 Some time ago I was speaking to a young man of about 27 years....

Holy Thursday 2011 – Year A

Mass of the Lord’s SupperHoly Thursday 2011 – Year A Exodus 12.1-8,11-14 1 Cor 11.23-26 John 13.1-15 During a TV interview a well-known Muslim...

Easter Sunday 2011 – Year A

Acts of Apostles 10.34, 37-43Col. 3.1-4John 20.1-9 I once visited a family with 4 children. The parents explained to me that their youngest, a...

Palm Sunday 2011 – Year A

17 April 2011 – Palm Sunday Isaiah 50:4-7Philippians 2:6-11Matthew 26:14 - 27:66 Recently I was speaking to a woman who practises Zen meditation. She grew...

5th Sunday of Lent 2011

10 April 2011 Ezekiel 37.12-14Romans 8.8-11John11.1-45  A number of years ago my father called me, as he had to go into hospital and said:...

4th Sunday of Lent 2011

3 April 2011 1 Samuel 16:1,6 – 7,10 – 13Ephesians 5:8 – 14John 9: 1 – 41 A young woman was engaged to be...

3rd Sunday of Lent 2011

27 March 2011  Exodus 17:3 – 7Romans 5:1 – 2; 5 – 8John 4:5 – 42  One time a 12 year old girl was...

2nd Sunday of Lent 2011

20 March 2011 Genesis 12.1-42 Timothy 1.8-10Matthew 17.1-9 Many years ago a young man from Canada who came from a rich family was appointed...

1st Sunday of Lent 2011

13 March 2011 Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7Romans 5:12, 17-19Matthew 4:1-11 Some years ago I spent some months in France to learn French. Whilst there I...

9th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

6 March 2011 Deuteronomy 11:18.26-28.32Romans 3:21-25.28Matthew 7:21-27 Is my life built on rock or sand Anyone wanting to construct a home or some other...

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

20 February 2011 Lev 19: 1 – 2, 17 – 181 Cor 3: 16 – 23Mt 5: 38 – 48 Be holy, be perfect...

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

13 February 2011 Sirach 15: 15 – 201 Cor: 2:6 – 10Matthew 5.17 – 37 Today’s Gospel is one which can cause a lot...

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

6 February 2011 Isaiah 58: 7 – 101 Cor: 2:1 – 5Matthew 5.13 – 16   A certain man was invited by his friends...

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2011

30 January 2011 Zephaniah 2:3; 3:12 - 131 Cor1: 26 - 31Matthew 5: 1 - 12 Many years ago when I worked in Nigeria...

Baptism of the Lord 2010

9 January 2010 Isaiah 42: 1-4Acts 10: 34-38Matthew 3: 15-17, 21-22 A well known speaker started a seminar participated in by over 200 men...

Christmas Day 2010

25 December 2010  Isaiah 9:1-6Titus 2:11-14Luke 2:1-14 A certain couple decided to have a party just before Christmas to celebrate the 80th birthday of...

Feast of the Holy Family 2010

26 December 2010 Sirach 3:3-7Colossians 3:12-21Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23  I was once travelling in a bus and in the seat in front of me was...

2nd Sunday of Advent 2010

5 December 2010 Isaiah 11:1-10Romans 15:4-9Matthew 3:1-12  There is an ancient story about three devils who were arguing about the best way of destroying...

1st Sunday of Advent 2010

28 November 2010 Isaiah 2.1-5Romans 13.11-14Matthew 24.37-44  One time I was watching TV with 2 friends. Both were heavy smokers. They said they could...

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

14 November 2010 Malachi 4.1-22 Thessalonians 3.7-12Luke 21.5-19 A friend of mine, who had just come back from New York, showed me a photo...

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

31st October 2010 Wisdom 11.22-12.22 Thessalonians 1.11-2.2Luke 19.1-10 A man in his forties, Paul was invited to the birthday party of his good friend...

29th Sunday – Mission Sunday 2013

Together in Mission - sermon ideas for Mission Sunday Today we celebrate Mission Sunday. All over the world sermons will be preached about ‘the missions’....

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

17 October 2010  Exodus 17. 8-131 John 4.11-16Luke 18.1-8 At one stage one of our priests who worked in a certain African country wanted...

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

10 October 2010 2 Kings 5.14-172 Timothy 2.8-13Luke 17.17.11-19 A certain man saw a poor beggar at the side of the road and gave...

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

3 October 2010 Habakkuk 1:2-3, 2:2-42 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14Luke 17:5-10 A certain woman had two teenage daughters. She told them that her cleaning woman...

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

26 September 2010 Amos 6.1,4-71 Timothy 6.11-16Luke 16.19-31 A certain man had just been promoted in his job and this meant a lot of...

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

19 September 2010 Amos 8.4-71 Timothy 2.1-8Luke 16.1-13 I once attended the First Communion Mass of a 9-year-old daughter of good friends of mine....

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

5 September 2010 Wisdom 9.13-18Philemon 9-10,12-17Luke 14.25-33 Oliver was 25 years old when he fell in love with an Italian who had come...

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

29 August 2010 Please remember to pray for Fr Kieran O’Reilly SMA who will, this afternoon at 3pm, be ordained Bishop of Killaloe, Ireland....

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

22 August 2010 Isaiah 66:18-21Hebrews 12:5-7,11-13Luke 13:22-30 One time I was on my way to visit a Nigerian family I knew but got lost...

Assumption of the BVM 2010

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God 15 August 2010   Revelation 11:19, 12:1-6, 101 Cor 15:20-26Luke 1:39-56 Two missionary priests made...

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

8th August 2010 Wisdom 18.6-9Hebrews 11.1-2, 8-19Luke 12.32-48 Some years ago a friend of mine went on a plane journey for the first time....

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

1st August 2010 Ecclesiastes 1.2, 2.21-23Colossians 3.1-5, 9-11Luke 12.13-21 A certain rich man, who had never married, inherited a large amount of money at...

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

25 July 2010 Genesis 18.20-32Colossians 2.12-14Luke 11.1-13 Once a bishop friend invited me to his family home for supper. His parents were still alive....

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

18 July 2010  Genesis 18:1-10Colossians 1:24-28Luke 10:38–42 One time there was a football competition organized in Paris and one of the African teams arrived...

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

11th July 2010  Deuteronomy 30:10-14Colossians 1:15-20Luke 10:25-37 In a certain city people were coming out of the church after Mass. Many saw a man lying...

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

4 July 2010  Isaiah 66.10-14Galatians 6.14-18Luke 10.1-12, 17-20 Many years ago at the height of the ‘Troubles’ in Northern Ireland, a Catholic priest went...

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

27 June 2010 1 Kings 19:16, 19-21Galatians 5:1, 13-18Luke 9: 51-62 Jackie Hewitt chairman of the Loyalist / Protestant Shankill Community council in Northern...

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

20 June 2010 Zechariah 12.10-11, 13.1Galatians 3.26-29Luke 9.18-24  A certain elderly woman who lived overseas rarely visited her brothers and only sister who still...

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

13 June 2010 2 Samuel 12: 7-10,13Galatians ":16, 19-21Luke 7:36-8:3 Jesus always sees things as they really are; we don't. We generally see things...

Trinity Sunday 2010

30 May 2010 Proverbs 8.22-31Romans 5.1-5John 16.12-15 Two women were discussing their marriage. One said to another: ‘After all these years of marriage I...

Pentecost Sunday 2010

23 May 2010   Acts 2.1-111 Cor 12.3-7, 12-13John 20.19-23 When I was working in Nigeria, outside one of the big stores were a...

Ascension of the Lord 2010

16 May 2010 Acts 1.1-11 Ephesians 1.17-23Luke 24. 46-53 A certain man was telling his friend that his wife whom he loved had many...

Sixth Sunday of Easter 2010

9 May 2010 Acts 15.1-2, 22-29Revelation 21.10-14, 22-23John 14.23-29   A certain couple had 5 children and the dream of the parents for them...

Fifth Sunday of Easter 2010

FIFTH SUNDAY of  EASTER – YEAR C 2 May 2010   Acts 14.21- 27Revelation 21.1-5John 13.31-35   Mark was a young man of 25...

Fourth Sunday of Easter 2010

25 April 2010 Acts 13.14, 43-52Revelation 7.9, 14-17John 10. 27- 30 A certain young man was studying at the university as he wanted to...

Third Sunday of Easter 2010

18 April 2010Acts 5:27- 32, 40- 41Revelation 5:11-14John 21:1-19 Two men who were very good friends for a long time had a serious disagreement...

Easter Sunday 2010

4th April, 2010 Acts 10:34, 37-43Colossians 3:1-4John 20:1-9 Not too long ago at the funeral Mass of a certain man, the priest in his...

Easter Reflection 2010

An Easter Reflection All the major religions have their holy sites. The holiest Christian site is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem....

Palm Sunday 2010

PALM SUNDAY – YEAR C 28th March, 2010 Isaiah 50.4-7Philippians 2.6-11Luke 22.14–23.56 One night a man went to a pub for a drink.  Later...

Fifth Sunday of Lent 2010

FIFTH SUNDAY of  LENT – YEAR C 21st March 2010 Isaiah 43.16-21Philippians 3.8-14John 8.1-11 Recently one of the newspapers showed a photo of a...

Fourth Sunday of Lent 2010

FOURTH SUNDAY of  LENT - YEAR C 14th March 2010 Joshua 5.9-122 Cor 5.17-21Luke 15. 1-3, 11-32 A certain young woman Mary was the youngest...

Second Sunday of Lent 2010

SECOND SUNDAY of LENT – YEAR  C – 28th February, 2010  Genesis 15. 5-12, 17-18 Philippians 3.17 – 4.1 Luke 9.28-36   One day...

First Sunday of Lent 2010

21st February, 2010 – Year C Deuteronomy 26.4-10 Romans 10.8-13 Luke 4.1-13 In a certain African country a young woman went to see a...

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

Isaiah 6.1-2, 3-8 1 Cor 15.1-11 Luke 5.1-11 In today’s gospel passage Jesus meets people at their place of work. Seeing first the...

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010 Jeremiah 1:4-5; 17-19   -   1 Corinthians 12:31 - 13:13   -   Luke 4:21-30 Each of the readings...

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 2010

John 2: 1 - 11 We have moved from the joy of the Christmas season into the 'ordinary' time of the year, though...

Feast of Dedication of Lateran Basilica 2008

Reflection for Feast of Dedication of the Lateran Basilica...   Readings for Feast of Dedication of...

Mission Sunday Year 2008

Reflection for Mission Sunday Year (A)... Readings for Mission Sunday of Year (A)19 October 2008 Isaiah 45:1, 4-6Psalm...

27th Sunday of the Year 2008

Reflection for 27th Sunday of the Year (A)...   Readings for 27th Sunday of Year (A) 5 October 2008 Isaiah 5:1-7 Psalm 79 Philippians 4:6-9 Matthew 21:33-43 What more can I...

Twenty Sixth Sunday of the Year 2008

Reflection for 26th Sunday of the Year (A)... Readings for 26th Sunday of Year (A)28 September 2008 Ezechiel...

Twenty Fifth Sunday of the Year 2008

Reflection for 25th Sunday of the Year (A)... Readings for 25th Sunday of Year (A)21 September 2008 Isaiah...

Feast of the Triumph of the Holy Cross 2008

Reflection for the Feast of the Triumph of the Holy Cross... Readings for Triumph of the Holy Cross14 September 2008...

Twenty Third Sunday of the year 2008

Reflection for 23rd Sunday of the Year (A)... Readings for 23rd Sunday of Year (A)7 September 2008 Ezechial 33:7-9Psalm...

22nd Sunday of the year 2008

Reflection for 22nd Sunday of the Year (A)... Readings for 22nd Sunday of Year (A) 31 August 2008 Jeremiah 20:7-9 Psalm 62 Romans 12:1-2 Matthew 16:21-27 A better life... a...

Twenty First Sunday of the Year 2008

Reflection for 21st Sunday of the Year (A)... Readings for 21st Sunday of Year (A)24 August 2008 Isaiah...

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2008 – Year A

Reflection for 20th Sunday of the Year (A)...   Readings for 20th Sunday of Year (A) 17 August 2008 Isaiah 56:1,6-7 Psalm 66 Romans 11:13-15,29-32 Matthew 15:21-28 An Invitation...            ... to...

19th Sunday of the Year 2008

Reflection for 19th Sunday of the Year (A)...   Readings for 19th Sunday of Year (A) 10 August 2008 1 Kings 19:9a,11-13a Psalm 85 Romans 9:1-5 Matthew 14:22-33 The Fisherman Can’t...

Seventeenth Sunday of the Year 2008

Reflection for 17th Sunday of the Year (A)... ...

16th Sunday of the Year 2006 – Year A

Reflection for 16th Sunday of the Year (A)... Readings for 16th Sunday of Year (A) 20 July 2008 Wisdom 12:13,16-19 Psalm 8 Romans 8:26-27 Matthew 13:24-43 A Thought for the day ... The...

Fifteenth Sunday of the Year 2008

Reflection for 15th Sunday of the Year (A)... ...

Feast of Saints Peter and Paul 2008

Reflection for Feast of Saints Peter and Paul... A Thought for the day ... Who Do You Say I Am?... Some recent headlines in the...

Twelfth Sunday of the Year 2008

Reflection for 12th Sunday of the Year (A)... ...

Eleventh Sunday of the year 2008

Reflection for 11th Sunday of the Year (A)... ...

10th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2008 – Year A

Reflection for 10th Sunday of the Year (A)...   Readings for 10th Sunday of Year (A) 8 June 2008 Hosea 6:3-6 Psalm 49 Romans 4:18-25 Matthew 9:9-13 A Thought for the day ... Unconditional...

Corpus Christi 2011

Reflection for Feast of Corpus Christi... ...

Pentecost Sunday of Easter 2008

Reflection for Pentecost Sunday of Easter (Year A)...   Readings for Pentecost Sunday (A)11 May 2008 Acts 2:1-11Psalm 1031 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13John...

Fifth Sunday of Easter 2008

Reflection for Fifth Sunday of Easter (Year A)... ...

Fourth Sunday of Easter 2008

Reflection for Fourth Sunday of Easter (Year A)... ...

Third Sunday of Easter 2008

Second Sunday of Easter 2008

Reflection for Second Sunday of Easter (Year A)... ...

Palm Sunday 2008

Reflection for Passion Sunday (Year A)... ...

Fifth Week of Lent 2008

Reflection for The Fifth Week of Lent (Year A)... ...

Fourth Week of Lent 2008

Reflection for The Fourth Week of Lent (Year A)... ...

Third Week of Lent 2008

Reflection for The Third Week of Lent (Year A)... ...

Second Week of Lent 2008

Reflection for The Second Week of Lent (Year A)... ...

First Week of Lent 2008

Reflection for The First Week of Lent (Year A)... ...

Fourth Sunday of The Year 2008

Reflection for 4th Sunday of the Year (A)   4th Sunday of Year (A)3 February 2008 ...

Third Sunday of the Year 2008

Fourth Sunday of Advent 2008

Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent... 4th Sunday of Advent23 December 2007 Readings (Year A) Isaiah 7:10-14Psalm...

Third Sunday of Advent 2008

Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent... 3rd Sunday of Advent16 December 2007 Readings (Year A) Isaiah 35:1-6a,10Psalm...

Second Sunday of Advent 2008

Reflection for the Second Sunday of Advent... 2nd Sunday of Advent9 December 2007 Readings (Year A) Isaiah 11:1-10Psalm 71Romans...

First Sunday of Advent 2008

Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent... 1st Sunday of Advent2 December 2007 Readings (Year A) Isaiah 2:1-5Psalm...

Second Sunday of the Year 2009

Reflection for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time... Second Sunday in Ordinary Time18 January 2009  ...

Feast of the Baptism of The Lord 2009

Reflection for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord... ...

Second Sunday After Christmas 2009

Reflection for the Second Sunday after Christmas... ...

Fourth Sunday of Advent 2009

Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent... ...

Third Sunday of Advent 2009

Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent...   ...

Second Sunday of Advent 2009

Reflection for the Second Sunday of Advent...   2nd Sunday of Advent  7 December 2008 Readings (Year B) ...

First Sunday of Advent 2009 – Year B

Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent...   1st Sunday of Advent 30 November 2005 Readings (Year B) Isaiah 63:16-17; 64:1,3-8 Psalm 79 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:33-37 A Thought for the...


Reflections for Liturgical Year 2009 The Liturgical Year 2009 begins with the First Sunday of Advent, 30 November 2008. Reflections as they...