CHARITY IN TRUTH – Reflection for August 2009
Has the Catholic Church anything to say about the dire economic situation we are all struggling with here in Ireland, and in the world?  Are there Gospel values against which we can measure what has been going on both politically, economically and in the social sphere?  Pope Benedict  XVI has  answered this question with a new Encyclical,
Charity in Truth. This Encyclical letter has been widely welcomed as adding some new thinking to the already very rich social teaching of the Church. Here is a short extract from its Introduction to reflect on:

Charity in truth, to which Jesus Christ bore witness by his earthly life and especially by his death and resurrection, is the principal driving force behind the authentic development of every person and of all humanity. Love – caritas – is an extraordinary force which leads people to opt for courageous and generous engagement in the field of justice and peace.  It is a force that has its origin in God, Eternal Love and Absolute Truth. In Christ, charity in truth becomes the Face of his Person, a vocation for us to love our brothers and sisters in the truth of his plan.
Perhaps we could ask ourselves if love has been the driving force in our lives and behind the social and political life in Ireland in recent years? Â Do the signs or our times show the presence or absence of this selfless love?
Lord may we be instruments for Justice and Peace, may we be signs of your love in a selfish world
May we see you in those who are suffering, welcome them as brothers and sisters
and place people and human dignity before possessions, wealth and our own comfort.
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