Knock Pilgrimage Message 2012
Friday 18 May – Saturday 26 May
When we look at any aspect of our world today we recognize a huge need for forgiveness and reconciliation: in the international arena, our country, our economy, our church. In almost every aspect of life today a spirit of hostility and bitterness seems to dominate. There is a marked desire to severely punish those who have caused the problems, as if that somehow is going to alleviate our own suffering. Perhaps it will lessen our sense of outrage but it will not bring healing.
Knock Shrine is a place of forgiveness and reconciliation. The Reconciliation Chapel is an oasis of peace. Most pilgrims avail of the sacrament of Reconciliation when they visit Knock. This is a lovely tradition and long may it continue.
Forgiveness and Eucharist are intimately combined. In Eucharist, God, through Christ, reconciles the whole universe and its peoples to Himself. “The blood of the new and eternal covenant, which will be poured out for you and for many, for the forgiveness of sins.“
In a few weeks time the International Eucharistic Congress will be held in Dublin. This provides an opportunity for renewal of faith at a personal level and as a church community. I pray that it truly becomes a time of lasting renewal for the Church in Ireland and for the Irish church’s outreach in mission to the world.
As you join the members of the SMA and OLA on pilgrimage to Knock this year, may it become a special moment of grace for you and your family. Through celebrating the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist may we all be made more fully the Body of Christ.
Fachtna O’Driscoll, SMA Provincial Leader
If you would like to join in the Novena of Prayer please send your Petition to:
Fr Gerard Murray SMA, African Missions, Blackrock Road, Cork.
Each evening, at 7.30pm, Mass and Novena Prayers will be celebrated at St Joseph’s SMA Parish Church, Blackrock Road, Cork. You are welcome to join with us each evening if possible. If not, please join in the Novena Prayers in your own home. Contact us for a copy of the Novena Prayers or read the Prayers here.
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