A new Resource page on Synodality

Over the last year Fr Michael McCabe SMA has written and published a series of thee articles on the topic of Synodality.  These were followed by a series of three public talks which were filmed.  The aim of all is to inform people about the Synodal journey/process begun by Pope Francis in October 2021 and to explain what Synodality seeks to achieve in the Church.   

For ease of access and to facilitate those who wish to deepen their understanding of this process, links to all of these have been gathered into one page on this website.  It will, into the future, remain accessible via the RESOURCES tab in the menu bar the top of this page or by clicking HERE.

The next phase of the synodal journey begins with the second universal assembly on synodality which will take place in Rome in October 2024.  Links to any future articles or videos on this topic will be added to the Synodality resource page.

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