Just as the concept of ‘inculturation’ suddenly appeared on the horizon of ecclesial discourse about fifty years ago, so the concept of ‘synodality’ has recently emerged into the foreground of contemporary ecclesial debate. It has become one of Pope Francis’s favourite themes and, as Fr Gerry O’Hanlon SJ states, the key to understanding the quiet revolution he is creating in the Church  Speaking at a commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Institution of the Synod by Pope Paul VI, Pope Francis strongly endorsed the concept of synodality, stating that it was an essential dimension of the Church’s life and mission in the service of God’s reign.

In order to embed synodality in the life and mission of the Church, in October 2021, Pope Francis launched a two year journey of reflection and consultation on synodality throughout the Church. This journey, coordinated by a central secretariat in Rome, involved an unprecedented series of meetings at local, national and continental levels, culminating in the first universal assembly of bishops on synodality that took place in Rome from the 4th to the 29th October, 2023. A second universal assembly on synodality will take place in October this year (2024) to complete the journey. But what is synodality all about? In this short presentation, I will focus on the meaning, historical roots and theological foundation of synodality.

Below are videos produced by the SMA in 2024 relating to Synodailty.


Talk 1 SYNODALITY: An explanation

Talk 2 SYNODALITY: What Pope Francis is now asking of us, the Church.

Talk 3 SYNODALITY: What is now happening in the Church. Where we are going

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In addition to the videos above, articles on various aspects of Synodality have also been published on this website.  They are linked to below.

Towards as Synodal Church in Mission: –  by Michael McCabe SMA,, published February 2024   

Synodality: What’s it all About? – by Michael McCabe SMA, published March 2024

Pope Francis vision of a Synodal Church  – by Michael McCabe SMA, Published April 2024