Fr Ceferino Cainelli, Provincial Superior of the Italian Province and the members of the Italian Province addressed the following Message to all other SMAs and our supporters, indicating their gratitude for the prayers which helped carry Fr Pierluigi (Gigi) Maccalli through his years of captivity. The message is followed by a link to a video interview given by Fr Maccalli following his release – it is in French with English subtitles. To view the video clikc on the image below.
Dear friends and supporters
We, the missionary priests of the Italian Province of the Society of the African Missions greet you and send you best wishes. Together we received with great joy the news about the release of our confrere and friend, Father Pier Luigi (Gigi) Maccalli. Our profound thanksgiving go to the Lord of Life and to each one of you who, with your prayers and sincere thoughts, stayed strong in faith awaiting his return.
Our words are inadequate to express our gratitude for your closeness, your friendship and your support towards Fr Gigi and our missionary community, in this long waiting time. One of the first things Fr Gigi said on his return was: “it was your prayers that sustained me in these years of imprisonment”. Heartfelt thanks to you all.
In this missionary month, the testimony of Fr Pier Luigi encourages us to continue announcing the Good News of the Kingdom, among the least and the needy on earth. This Easter experience renews in us the call that we have received to be salt of the earth and light of the world. Together, we continue to ask the Lord for more workers for his harvest.
In the suffering flesh of Fr Gigi, on the weight of the Cross of Christ, in these two years, which we are celebrating today in joy and faith, a deep experience of spiritual communion with all of you was born. We ask the Lord for the grace to continue growing as a family, gathered in the name of the Lord and sent to the ends of the earth.
May the Lord bless you and may his Mother Mary be a star that guides your steps.
The members of the Italian Province of the SMA 15 October 2020