Welcome to the June edition of the International News. This month we have stories from Spain, Lyon, France and from Rome, Italy.
First we go to Spain where SMA confreres and friends of SMA organized a pilgrimage to Italy. This pilgrimage falls under the program called “Return to the Source” – an annual pilgrimage Programme to SMA sites organized by the Province of Spain.
Next from Lyon we hear about how, when on their way to their ad limina meeting in Rome, the Bishops of Papua New Guinea and Solomon islands decided to visit a missionary parish in France. And the location chosen was the SMA parish of St Josephine Bakhita in Lyon.
From Rome we have a report on a gathering of the founding congregations of the Inter-Congregational Ongoing Formation (ICOF) Program met on Monday May, 29th , at the SMA Generalate for a time of conviviality and sharing.
Finally, the bulletin end with some information about the forthcoming SMA Plenary Council taking place in Lyon in mid June.