Reflection for Mission Sunday Year (A)…
Readings for Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 |
Being a Missionary… Giving with Love
“Go and Tell” is the Theme of Mission Sunday this year.
St Teresa, Patroness of the Missions, once said: “Love is the vocation which includes all others” and she went on to say: “his Love is the true motive force that enables other members of the Church to act.“ As one who has been blessed to be on the missions I am happy to tell you that as a missionary I have experienced tremendous love and support from my family, friends and local community in Ireland over the years. Many have made tremendous sacrifices to share in mission with me; others are missionaries through their prayers and financial support.
It is a great privilege being a missionary… to be bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to Africa. We members of the SMA have been missionaries for over 150 years in various parts of Africa sharing the Faith that we received through our families and from our own local Church. But there are others who have been a tremendous support to our Society through their prayers. My friend Bernie runs a prayer group which gathers for prayer every Tuesday night and I am one of the beneficiaries of that prayer. They too are missionaries.
Others offer their suffering in mind and body for us on the Missions. I often felt the sacrifices I made in leaving home are accompanied by the sacrifices others make for me. I remember the first time I left for Africa being met by two friends, Chrissie and Mary, at Heathrow. They travelled over two hours by train just to offer their support for my long lonely journey to the Missions.
Another kind of support is the very generous financial support we get from Parish and friends and family. Mary and Noel, for example, when their old car passed the MOT, instead of buying a new car they sent me €1,000 for the Mission from the money saved through passing the test.
Mission Sunday is a special day to remind us that we can all be Missionaries either like we are in the SMA or through prayer, sacrifices or financial support. Whatever opportunity we meet today to be missionary let us be involved generously in the Spread of the Gospel.
– Fr Anthony Kelly SMA
Regional Superior, Zambia