MASS FROM KNOCK SHRINE – marking the close of the annual SMA Novena to Our Lady of Knock

This year we celebrate the 44th National SMA Pilgrimage and Novena of Prayer to Our Lady of Knock.   The Novena ends today at 3pm with Mass at Knock Shrine.   Those who cannot be present in Knock can participate via the internet, joining with SMA and OLA Missionaries and supporters who have travelled from around Ireland  to give witness to our faith and to ask Our Lady’s intercession for our intentions.

The Mass can be viewed live by clicking on this LINK at 3pm.

Join with us in praying for the 800 SMA missionaries and hundreds of OLA Sisters working in more than 17 African countries as well as in other places around the world.  May God grant success to the work of their hands.  We also ask God’s blessing all those support them through their prayers and offerings. 



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