The work of SMA missionaries relies on the prayers and financial support of our supporters. From the beginning of the 20th century the Irish Province has built up a large band of supporters throughout the country. It is because of their support that we have been able to undertake the different ministries we are engaged in throughout Africa.
One of the ways in which we are supported is through the use by our supporters of the Missionary Association Cards (MAC). The cards are an ideal way to let someone know you have remembered them in a prayerful way. The names of those who are to be remembered are placed before the Altar in the community Chapel in each of the various houses and remembered in that Community’s daily prayers and Mass.
We have cards available for many different occasions, e.g. those who are doing exams, who are unwell or in need of prayers for a special intention, for those who have died and their bereaved loved ones. We also have cards for sending greetings at Christmas, St Patrick’s Day, Easter, Birthday etc.
Our supporters and their intentions are remembered each day in the prayers, particularly at Mass, of our SMA seminarians and priests throughout the world.
The cards are available from each SMA House and through Promoters. We also have many individual families who take cards for their personal use only.
We do not allow our cards to be sold in commercial outlets / shops.
Promoters / individuals return the names and donations to the SMA House they deal with. Requests for cards are generally made by phone and posted to the person requesting a supply. We welcome those who want to visit our SMA Houses to leave in their list of names etc and collect a supply for further use.
Many of the cards available are on display in our Houses. They can also be found at the Parish Centre in Wilton, Cork and the Reception at Blackrock Road, Cork.
If you want to know more about the use of our cards please contact [email protected] and we will send you information from your nearest SMA House.