Irish Ambassador to Nigeria visits SMA House Blackrock Road

On 31 July 2024 the Irish Ambassador to Nigeria, Peter Ryan and his wife Teresa, made a visit to the SMA Community in Blackrock Road, Cork.  On arrival they were welcomed by the SMA Provincial Leader, Fr Malachy Flanagan and other members of the Community.  Fr Malachy spoke about the appreciation of the SMA for the consistent support and assistance of the Irish Embassy in Nigeria down the years to SMAs in their work, especially in development work around Clinics, Hospital, Schools and Wells. 

In an address to the community Ambassador Ryan spoke of the warm welcome he received from his first day in Nigeria – a welcome he continues to receive every time Nigerians hear he is from Ireland.  On these occasions people invariably speak about the positive impact that Irish missionary Sisters and Priests have had on their lives or communities and also express their gratitude for the contributions missionaries have made to the development of their country especially in the areas of education, health care and social development.   

“When I started reading a little bit about Nigeria – Ireland relations I saw some really interesting things and a big part of it was the fact that so many Irish women and men had been there for such a long period …. there’s one thing that I hear every single day since I landed in that country ….the thing they say to me is will you give our thanks to the people in Ireland because I was impacted whether it’s in school or church or in a clinic or in some way shape or form.”

The positive relationship between Ireland and Nigeria has been shaped by the lifetime dedication of Irish Missionaries – Ambassador Ryan referred to the fact that many actually gave their lives and are buried in the places they loved and served in

“That so many of our compatriots are buried in Nigeria is something very poignant …. I say that to visitors who come to the Embassy…. Technically you’re on Irish territory when you come into the embassy but actually there’s little bits of Ireland all over Nigeria because of the devotion and sacrifice of people from the same little place that we’re from.”

In his role as Ireland’s representative in Nigeria Ambassador Ryan said that he will seek to build on the legacy and foundations established by Irish Missionaries in order to foster greater cooperation and interaction between the two countries.  At the end of the visit the Ambassador expressed his feelings of joy and privilege in visiting the SMA Community in Blackrock Road and said:

Frs Christopher Emokhare, Malachy Flanagan – Provincial Leader, Alphonse Sekongo and Paddy O’Rourke welcome Ambassador Peter Ryan and his wife Teresa to SMA House Blackrock Road.

“So much of the best of Ireland has been brought to the continent of Africa by people from this house so it’s a special place for me as the representative of the Irish people and the Irish government in Nigeria.”

The visit of the Ambassador to SMA House, Blackrock Road is much appreciated and in the words of Fr Malachy we thank Peter and Teresa Ryan for coming to see us –  

“We wish you well …. We pray for your good health and peace and for safety in the role and the work that you do in the Embassy in Abuja.”


To view a video of the visit recorded by Mr Paul O’Flynn click on the play button below. 


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