Homily for the 8th Sunday Homily of Ordinary Time: 2025

Readings: Ecclesiastes 27: 4-7; 1 Corinthians 15: 54-58; Luke 6:39-45
Theme: ‘If you want to change the world, start with yourself’ (Mahatma Gandhi)

Last Sunday’s gospel ended with the exhortation to show mercy, to pardon instead of judging and condemning. Today’s gospel passage continues in the same vein, with practical guidance on how to behave as disciples of Jesus. We are warned against being judgemental. ‘Why do you observe the splinter in the eye of your brother or sister and never notice the plank in your own…Take the plank out of your own eye first and then you will see clearly enough to take out the splinter that is in your brother’s eye’ (Lk 6:40,42). This warning against arrogance and hasty judgement of others may seem to be just common sense. However, it is far from easy to follow this wise advice. We are all inclined to be judgemental. We notice the faults of others more readily than we see or admit our own faults. Indeed we can be completely blind to failings in ourselves that are all to evident to those who live and work with us.

The ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates, tells us that self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom. However, few of us are truly wise in this respect. We are so focused on the faults of others – those with whom we live and those for whom we work, the members of our community or family, our leaders – that we have little time or energy for the most fundamental and important exercise of all: truly looking at ourselves and correcting our own faults. In today’s gospel Jesus challenges us to refocus our sharp analytical skills, so quick to diagnose the faults and failings of others, and centre them on ourselves. He is asking us to put our own house in order before trying to reform others. As Pope Francis reminds us: ‘Before judging others, first look in the mirror at yourself. Look in the mirror, but not to put on makeup to hide the wrinkles. No! Look in the mirror to see yourself as you are.’

In 1987, Michael Jackson released the song, ‘Man in the Mirror’. The theme of the song is clear: If we want the world to be different, if we want it to be a better place, the change needs to start with ourselves – the person in the mirror. The refrain of the song goes like this:

‘I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself and then make a change.’

Good advice! When I change, other people are likely to change too. Even if they don’t, at least I will see them in a new light. I become more accepting of reality, and of the way people are. I refuse to be intimidated, or irritated, or resentful. I cast aside my mask and stop pretending. I feel free to just be myself and let other people be themselves.

Lent begins this coming Wednesday. The word ‘Lent’ comes from an old English word which means ‘Springtime’. It is a graced time, a time to do some spring cleaning in our lives and enjoy new life as a result, a time to leave the shackles of sin behind us and strive to grow closer to the Lord. In Lent we join Jesus in the desert – symbolically at least – and, with his help, tackle our demons, our blind spots. This is the Lord’s word that Paul is exhorting us to undertake, and never give up ón, in our second reading today: ‘Never give in then, my dear brothers and sisters, never admit defeat; keep ón working at the Lord’s work always, knowing that, in the Lord, you cannot be labouring in vain’ (1 Cor 15: 58).

Lent invites me to face up to my illusions about God and about myself. I may not succeed in ridding myself completely of my illusions. That final cleansing will come only when I see God face to face at the final judgement. Then and only then will I have no illusions about my sanctity or goodness. All will be laid bare, and there will be no more hypocrisy, lies, or illusions. However, I must begin the journey from illusion to reality, from self-deception to self-knowledge now. Recently a friend sent me the following prayer in a WhatsApp message:
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change,
the courage to change the one I can,
and the wisdom to know that person is ME.
Surely a suitable prayer for the season of Lent!

I conclude with a reflection on today’s gospel message from the pen of Flor Mc Carthy SDB, entitled Where to Start.

‘When I was young and fired with the love of God,
I thought I would convert the whole world.
But soon I discovered that it would be quite enough
to convert the people who lived in my town,
and I tried for a long time to do that but did not succeed.
Then I realised that my programme was still too ambitious,
so I concentrated on those in my own household
and I found that I could not convert them either.
Finally it dawned on me: I must work on myself.
When people complain about what’s wrong with the world,
they are usually blaming somebody else.
They should look at themselves first.
That way, they will know they are
making a difference in at least one life.
We can’t take anyone farther than we’ve gone ourselves’.

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