Caring for the wonders of Creation – in Wilton Parish

Even though it has not been a great summer life goes one and much is happening, even though we may not notice.  As we approach the Season of Creation, beginning on the 1st of September, this short video, made in the garden of Wilton Parish reminds of things happening all around us in nature that we can so easily pass by. We depend on nature, interact with it – in fact we are part of nature and creation.

We should take more notice and we can cooperate with nature more.  This is a good thing to do and in the words of Pope Francis:  “The protection of creation, then, is not only an ethical issue, but one that is eminently theological, for it is the point where the mystery of man and the mystery of God intersect.”  (MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR THE WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE CARE OF CREATION 2024, par 8).  Caring for creation then, is part of loving our neighbour and living our faith,   

We hope you enjoy this video filmed and produced by Mr Paul O’Flynn- it is a taste of the beauty and joy of summer, even if the weather has not been so good.


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